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[Circus-cvs] vaccine

From: Ferdinand Gill
Subject: [Circus-cvs] vaccine
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 21:38:34 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

We are awaiting their reply.
I don't know if ABC did this on purpose, although I'm sure they will take credit for it but on Wed night when I thought twice about skipping ads I realized ABC was on to something. Despite the alternatives, Google continues to grow stronger, but that won't be the case indefinitely. Main character in tje LUCCA project. Even if they don't know it yet.
This is great exposure for Allstate no matter how good or bad your team is, someone in the game is bound to score and raise the net! By Asbjorn Lonvig, Danish designer and fairy tale writer.
But some part of me has to be believe that Google's page-rank system is not close to the best we'll ever see. Gym members have no recourse but to keep paying or have Bally's harass you by phone or damage your credit rating, and I have personal experience to verify that they only care about money. While much of the industry is moving to cost per action and investing heavily in analytics, there will always be a place for branding. Timely information isn't limited to text, and whoever can integrate all forms of media will quickly find an audience. From satellite radio to Rhapsody, the days of the choice between free ad-supported radio where you have no choice in what is played or paying to "own" physical copies are over.
This reinforces the fact that all those DVR owners who skip through TV ads are still receiving the branding part of the message.
Despite all of its complaining ABC may have inadvertently discovered an answer to it, LOST.
I still recognize that GEICO gecko and the golden arches each time I'm fast forwarding, so advertisers are getting some value.
Consumers are used to the search results paradigm, and getting them to change habits is about as easy as getting someone to quit smoking. Main character in tje LUCCA project. Main character in tje LUCCA project. I would think that this story would have been picked up widely, so is the press release a virus too? Today we are experiencing the growing pains as everyone figures out and becomes comfortable with the new world order.
Consumers are used to the search results paradigm, and getting them to change habits is about as easy as getting someone to quit smoking. By Asbjorn Lonvig, Danish designer and fairy tale writer.
But some part of me has to be believe that Google's page-rank system is not close to the best we'll ever see. It does feel like a loss of control in not having a physical copy, but we'll get used to it.
Now I would think that Google would be able to easily track the IP address of the host website and refuse to pay for the click fraud for ads delivered to these pages.
They've put up fake websites, pictures and video clips around the web but what they have also done is put clues on during commercials on the network. But some part of me has to be believe that Google's page-rank system is not close to the best we'll ever see.

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