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Re: [patch] Re: HashMap putAll/putAllInternal bug

From: Stuart Ballard
Subject: Re: [patch] Re: HashMap putAll/putAllInternal bug
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 09:32:05 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030527 Debian/1.3.1-2

Brian Jones wrote:
Cool, don't want to hold you up on that too much.  Wondering how Sun's
impl makes a copy of the given Collection while avoiding copying an
object being modified in another thread.  Anyone know?  I think the
Iterators are supposed to throw exceptions when this occurs too.

I don't think this is affected too much either way by my patch. If another thread is actively modifying the collection being added at the time we're trying to add it, and it's not a thread-safe collection, the results are undefined. If it *is* a thread-safe collection, the most that's guaranteed is that you'll get a ConcurrentModificationException in the right place.

(Actually, my patch probably helps with that case too: by only incrementing this.size as each item is actually added, the state of the Map is closer to valid if a ConcurrentModificationException is thrown part-way through the iteration. Perhaps it could be tweaked to be even better in that regard by putting the "size++" *after* the call to next()).

My patch really only affects what happens if the value returned by size() is incorrect for a particular Map. Without the patch, Classpath blindly believes size() and attempts to add exactly that many elements, throwing an exception if there are actually less and not adding all of them if there are actually more. With the patch, it relies on the iterator to determine how many items there actually are.

I have a map where it's prohibitively expensive[1] to calculate the correct value of size(). It would be possible, but a LOT of collections-using code assumes that size() is fast - the very code that this patch changes is an example, where it was assumed that calling size() was much faster than calling hasNext() for each element and therefore treated as an optimization. So the best I could do was to cache a "best guess" at the size and return that from size(), and have iterator() give the canonical information. On Sun's JDK, or on Classpath with the patch, this works. Without it, it doesn't.


[1] A correct implementation of size() for my map would actually look something like this:

public int size() {
  int size = 0;
  for (Iterator i = iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {;
  return size;

Stuart Ballard, Senior Web Developer
FASTNET - Web Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

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