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Re: Problems running GTK-peers on Nokia-770

From: Mark Wielaard
Subject: Re: Problems running GTK-peers on Nokia-770
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 23:27:06 +0100

Hi Clemens,

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 15:42 +0000, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> Nokia claims that the modified GTK-2.6.? they use is binary compatible
> to GTK-2.6.
> I went a bit through the peers code and it was quite straightforeward
> to read, however I did not find a function call to "g_object_ref" and
> I have to admit that I am a gtk noob.
> As far as I can see either classpath makes some assumptions how GTK
> should be (low probability) or Nokia's GTK implementation is broken
> (more likely). Any ideas where the root of the problem could come
> from?

Sorry I missed the fact that you already asked it on the classpath
mailinglist. We discussed this a bit more on the jamvm list. But I am
not sure what goes wrong. I attach our last message on this in the hope
some other GNU Classpath gtk+ AWT peer hacker has a clue what is

BTW. If nobody knows could you add a bug report for this at so we don't forget and
others can search for know problems on ARM/N770.


--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: [Jamvm-general] Problems on ARM Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 21:24:42 +0000
Hello again,

> > However I am having problems with using the gtk-awt peers that
> > classpath does provide, I have problems when instantiating most of the
> > native AWT widgets (like Buttons and Lists) and also problems when
> > realizing JFrames.
> Is this only on the N770? Or also with other (x86 GNU/Linux)
> environments? Could you post a little self-contained example that shows
> the problem.

No, this only happens on my N770 - when I tried it on my x86 system
everything works like expected. I first thought this could be due to
Nokia's hacked version of GTK-2.6.? (.4 I think) but I created some
stand-alone programs and all worked withought any problems.
When adding an AWT-Button the program also crashes with some error
thrown by X, however I don't have a log by hand (sorry).

I read the forum entry which complains that people just report
problems and I shame a bit that I am not different. I really tried to
track down the problem myself, however I failed :-(

If I should test something for you (ARM in general), please do not
hestitate to ask - compiling and installing is not that hard with the
dev-enviroment provided by Nokia.

Thanks for JamVM, lg Clemens

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class aw extends JFrame {
  public aw()
    JButton jb = new JButton("JButton on 770!");
    this.add(new JCheckBox("CeckBox"), BorderLayout.NORTH);
    this.add(new JRadioButton("Radio"), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
  public static void main(String[] args)
    new aw();

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