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[Cogitatio-interface] idleness irrelevant

From: Wilfrid Harden
Subject: [Cogitatio-interface] idleness irrelevant
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 20:55:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Maybe your text or images don't look right, or even worse maybe your site isn't properly processing credit card transactions. Obviously you need a lot of maintenance to profit from this.
Our ability to retain information is severely compromised by a new world order of constant contact. We all know we have to have a website, but are we using this venue to its greatest advantage? FrontPage, that include extra and irrelevant text and HTML tags.
If internet is your business you might as will invest in some technical knowledge.
The real question is do we have an effective website? Transfer does not, reducing the amount of bandwidth used, system resources, and overall response time.
Asking a multitasking businessperson to stop and concentrate on your beautiful prose is not exactly realistic. The human voice penetrates the clutter and embeds itself in your prospect's consciousness. Keep blocks of ASP script together.
How many orders are you losing because of bad layout, awkward design, confusing navigation, and poor copy? Don't install or use Microsoft Index Server unless you need it.
Is Your Website Focused? Disable debugging on production servers.
O'Hurley's interpretation of Peterman was so strong, so memorable, and powerful that when the real J.
This is a bit of software that most hosts provide with your website hosting package. Be careful of string concatenation as the size of the string grows.
If you have never studied or used XML, XHTML, _javascript_, or _vbscript_, you should enroll in some courses at a local computer programming institute. O'Hurley's interpretation of Peterman was so strong, so memorable, and powerful that when the real J.
But it's more likely that one tiny ad simply isn't enough to build sales. Reduce multiple database resultsets. Usually a hosting company will also contact the offending website owner, and if they fail to hear from them, will delete the files from their server. After you've gone through the process, ask some colleagues to do the same.
Unfortunately, that's a pipedream for most modern day business people, especially the entrepreneur.
If your information is the least bit complicated or sophisticated, your Web-visitors are probably not getting a complete or accurate story.
Is content king on your website?
Instant messaging has even created a whole new short-form language that brings sophisticated communication down to a new low - where is John Simon when you need him. Transfer over Response. This fellow was so paranoid that his competitors would see what he was doing that he hid his products from his customers.
Internet is a business where the separation between technology and business is less clear to make. Be careful of string concatenation as the size of the string grows.
Is content really king on your website? It would be nice if we could all act like doctors and lawyers with secretaries to screen our calls and organize our days so we can concentrate on what we are doing. Each database query with returned results is a round trip to the database server, adding to the overall response time. The design of your website should not be taken lightly, its budget should not be an afterthought, and the designer you hire should be someone who understands more than code. Keep blocks of ASP script together.
This problem isn't being helped by SEO tacticians promoting inflated text presentations often amounting to exercises in key-phrase diarrhea. Use one or more suggestions to give website visitors a better impression and keep them on your site longer. Use client-side validation controls to reduce server round-trips.

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