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r5083 - trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver

From: jan
Subject: r5083 - trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 13:48:51 -0600 (CST)

Author: jan
Date: 2004-02-09 13:48:51 -0600 (Mon, 09 Feb 2004)
New Revision: 5083

remove pre-datasource-API-update stuff

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver/     
2004-02-09 19:25:01 UTC (rev 5082)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver/     
2004-02-09 19:48:51 UTC (rev 5083)
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it 
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
-# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be 
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied 
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not, 
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place 
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation
-# FILE:
-# appserver/
-# Implementation of dbdriver for use with GNUe Application Server.
-  from gnue.common import GDebug,GDataObjects,GConditions,GComm
-  from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions
-  from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
-  from gnue.common.rpc import GComm
-import string
-import types
-import md5
-import sys
-import mx.DateTime, mx.DateTime.ISO
-class Appserver_Connector:
-  def __init__(self, connectData):
-    user = connectData['_username']
-    passwd = connectData['_password']
-    params = { 'host': connectData['host'],
-               'port': connectData['port'],
-               'transport': connectData['transport']}
-    self._server = GComm.attach(connectData['rpctype'],params)
-    GDebug.printMesg(3,"Setup the link to the session manager")
-    self._sm = self._server.request("Session")
-    if connectData.has_key('encoding'):
-      GDebug.printMesg(1,"Appserver's dbdriver doesn't 'encoding' parameter, 
as the transport"+\
-                       " encoding has to be 'utf-8'.")
-    #GDebug.printMesg(3,"Get the status of the session manager")
-    #GDebug.printMesg(3,"Status: "+sessionManager.Status())
-    try:
-      GDebug.printMesg(3,"Open Session ...")  
-      GDebug.printMesg(1,"Logging into appserver as user '%s'" % (user))
-      self._sess_id ={'user':user,'password':passwd})
-    except Exception,msg:
-      tmsg = _("Error loging into appserver: %s") % msg
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, tmsg
-    if self._sess_id == 0:
-      tmsg = _("Error loging into appserver")
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, tmsg
-    self._updateCursor = Appserver_UpdateCursor(self)
-  def cursor(self):
-    return self._updateCursor
-  def request(self,table,filter,sort,fieldlist,unicodeMode=0):
-    listid = self._sm.request(self._sess_id,table,filter,sort,fieldlist)
-    return Appserver_ListCursor(self,listid,table,fieldlist,unicodeMode)
-  def call(self,classname,obj_id_list,methodname,parameters):
-  def commit(self,classname):
-    self._updateCursor.execute(classname)
-    self._sm.commit(self._sess_id)
-  def rollback(self,classname):
-    self._updateCursor.revert(classname)
-    self._sm.rollback(self._sess_id)
-  def close(self,commit):
-    self._sm.close(self._sess_id,commit)
-class Appserver_ListCursor:
-  def __init__(self,dataCon,listid,classname,fieldlist,unicodeMode=0):
-    self._dataCon=dataCon
-    self._listid=listid
-    self._fieldlist=fieldlist
-    self._stackpos=0
-    self._unicodeMode=unicodeMode
-    self._fieldtypes = self._dataCon._sm.load (self._dataCon._sess_id, 
-                                               classname, [''], 
-    self._fieldtypes = self._fieldtypes [0]
-  # convert a value retrieved from RPC to the correct native Python type
-  def __rpc_to_native (self, value, type):
-    # Empty strings indicate None
-    if value == '':
-      return None
-    # String: convert to unicode or local encoding
-    elif type [:7] == 'string(':
-      value = unicode (value, 'utf-8')
-      if self._unicodeMode:
-        return value
-      else:
-        return value.encode (gConfig ('textEncoding'))
-    # Date: convert to mx.DateTime object
-    elif type == 'date':
-      return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseDate (value)
-    # Time: convert to mx.DateTime object
-    elif type == 'time':
-      return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseTime (value)
-    # DateTime: convert to mx.DateTime object
-    elif type == 'datetime':
-      return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime (value)
-    # All others (id, number, boolean, reference): no need to convert
-    else:
-      return value
-  def fetch(self,count=5):
-    if self._stackpos == -1:
-      return []
-    result = self._dataCon._sm.fetch(self._dataCon._sess_id,
-                                     self._listid,self._stackpos,count)
-    if len(result)<count:
-      self._stackpos=-1
-    else:
-      self._stackpos=self._stackpos+len(result)
-    list = []
-    for i in result:
-      dict = {}
-      j = 0
-      for fieldName in self._fieldlist:
-        dict [fieldName] = self.__rpc_to_native (i [j+1], self._fieldtypes [j])
-        j += 1
-      dict["gnue_id"]=i[0]
-      list.append(dict)      
-    return list
-  def count(self):
-    if not hasattr(self,"_count"):
-      self._count = 
-    return self._count
-  def close(self):
-    pass
-    # TODO: Implement List Close command
-class Appserver_UpdateCursor:
-  def __init__(self,dataCon,unicodeMode=0):
-    self._dataCon=dataCon
-    self._deleteList={}
-    self._updateList={}
-    self._updateKeyList={}
-    self._unicodeMode=unicodeMode
-  def delete(self,classname,id):
-    if not self._deleteList.has_key(classname):
-       self._deleteList[classname]=[]
-    self._deleteList[classname].append(id)
-  def update(self, classname, id, fieldDict):
-    if not self._updateList.has_key(classname):
-       self._updateList[classname]=[]
-       self._updateKeyList[classname]=[]
-    self._updateList[classname].append(fieldDict)
-    self._updateKeyList[classname].append(id)
-  # convert a native Python type into something transportable by RPC
-  def __native_to_rpc (self, s):
-    if type (s) == types.StringType:
-      if self._unicodeMode:
-        msg = 'WARNING: non-unicode passed to the dbdriver (%s)' % value
-        GDebug.printMesg (0, msg)
-      s = unicode (s, gConfig ('textEncoding'))
-    if type (s) == types.UnicodeType:
-      s = s.encode ('utf-8')
-    elif type (s) == mx.DateTime.DateTimeType:
-      s = + ' ' + s.time
-    elif s is None:
-      s = ''
-    return s
-  def execute (self, classname):
-    if self._deleteList.has_key (classname): 
-      self._dataCon._sm.delete (self._dataCon._sess_id, classname,
-                                self._deleteList [classname])
-      del self._deleteList [classname]
-    if self._updateList.has_key (classname):
-      while len (self._updateList [classname]):
-        id = self._updateKeyList[classname].pop()
-        dict = self._updateList[classname].pop()
-        # TODO: merge calls with similar updated fields (=dict.values())
-        data = [self.__native_to_rpc (x) for x in dict.values ()]
-        new_ids = (self._dataCon._sess_id, classname,
-                                           [id], dict.keys(), [data])
-        dict ["gnue_id"] = new_ids [0]
-      del self._updateList [classname]
-      del self._updateKeyList [classname]
-  def revert (self, classname):
-    if self._deleteList.has_key (classname):
-      del self._deleteList [classname]
-    if self._updateList.has_key (classname):
-      del self._updateList [classname]
-      del self._updateKeyList [classname]
-class Appserver_RecordSet(GDataObjects.RecordSet):
-  def _postChanges(self):
-    if self._deleteFlag:
-      GDebug.printMesg(5, 'AppServer database driver: Instance deleted')
-      self._parent._update_cursor.delete(self._parent._dataObject.table,
-                                         self._fields["gnue_id"])
-    if self._insertFlag:      
-      GDebug.printMesg(5, 'AppServer database driver: new Instance '+\
-                       'created and inserted')
-      ## Set __id__ to "0" for new instances
-      self._parent._update_cursor.update(self._parent._dataObject.table,
-                                         0, self._fields)
-    elif self._updateFlag:
-      modifiedFields={}
-      for field in (self._modifiedFlags.keys()):
-        modifiedFields[field]=self._fields[field]
-      self._parent._update_cursor.update(self._parent._dataObject.table,
-                                         self._fields["gnue_id"], 
-    self._updateFlag = 0
-    self._insertFlag = 0
-    self._deleteFlag = 0
-  # this function calls a per entry function on server side
-  def callFunc(self,name,params):
-    if self._insertFlag:
-      # store record on server
-      GDebug.printMesg(0, 'FIXME: record has to be stored on appserver '+\
-                       'and its gnue_id should be returned')
-      return
-                                                  [self._fields["gnue_id"]],
-                                                  name,params)
-# Appserver_ResultSet
-# Notes:
-# In the Appserver driver a CURSOR is simply the List handle returned
-# via the query interface
-class Appserver_ResultSet(GDataObjects.ResultSet): 
-  def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, \
-        defaultValues={}, masterRecordSet=None): 
-    GDataObjects.ResultSet.__init__(
-           self,dataObject,cursor,defaultValues,masterRecordSet)
-    self._recordSetClass = Appserver_RecordSet
-    GDebug.printMesg(5, 'ResultSet created')
-  def _loadNextRecord(self): 
-    more = 0
-    if self._cursor:
-      # load next records into local cache
-      instances=self._cursor.fetch()
-      for i in instances:
-        more = 1
-        record=self._recordSetClass(parent=self,initialData=i)
-        self._cachedRecords.append (record)
-        self._recordCount=self._recordCount+1
-    # if no record returned return a zero
-    return more
-class Appserver_DataObject(GDataObjects.DataObject):
-  def __init__(self):
-    GDataObjects.DataObject.__init__(self)
-    GDebug.printMesg (1,"AppServer database driver backend initializing")
-    self._resultSetClass = Appserver_ResultSet
-    self._DatabaseError = GComm.Error
-  def connect(self, connectData={}): 
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"AppServer database driver connecting...")
-    self._dataConnection = Appserver_Connector(connectData)
-    self.triggerExtensions =  Appserver_TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-  # We only need the basics -- username and password -- to log in
-  def getLoginFields(self): 
-    return [['_username', 'User Name',0],['_password', 'Password',1]]
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    # Standardize incomming conditions as a GConditions structre
-    if type(conditions) == types.DictType:
-        cond = GConditions.buildConditionFromDict(conditions)
-    else:
-        cond = conditions
-    # Construct query object
-    GDebug.printMesg(7,'Implicit Fields: %s' % self._fieldReferences)
-    query = []
-    # Add conditionals
-    query = GConditions.buildPrefixFromTree(cond._children[0] )
-    GDebug.printMesg(7,'Full query in prefix notation: %s' % query)
-    return query
-  def _createEmptyResultSet(self, readOnly=0, masterRecordSet=None):
-    return self.createResultSet(readOnly=readOnly,\
-                                conditions=GConditions.GCimpossible,\
-                                masterRecordSet=masterRecordSet)
-  def _createResultSet(self, conditions={}, readOnly=0,
-                       masterRecordSet=None, sql=""):
-    GDebug.printMesg (5,"Setting up list object ...");
-    sort=[]
-    filter=[]
-    # the fieldnames seem to be stored in _fieldReferences
-    fieldlist=self._fieldReferences.keys()
-    GDebug.printMesg (5,"Using "+str(fieldlist)+" as fieldlist");
-    if hasattr(self,"order_by"):
-      GDebug.printMesg (5,"Sorting list by fields '"+self.order_by+"'");
-      sort=string.splitfields(self.order_by,",")
-    try:
-      if conditions:
-        GDebug.printMesg (5,"Setting Conditions ...");
-        filter = self._buildQuery(conditions)
-    except self._DatabaseError, err: 
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, err
-    try:
-      listcursor = 
-                                                self._unicodeMode)
-    except Exception, msg:
-      tmsg = _("Error during creation of object list \n\n --- %s ---)") % msg
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, tmsg
-    rs = self._resultSetClass(self, cursor=listcursor, masterRecordSet=None)
-    if readOnly: 
-      rs._readonly = readOnly
-    return rs
-  def commit(self): 
-    GDebug.printMesg (5,"AppServer database driver: commit()")
-    try:
-      self._dataConnection.commit(self.table)
-    except self._DatabaseError, value:
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, value
-  def rollback(self): 
-    GDebug.printMesg (5,"AppServer database driver: rollback()")
-    try:
-      self._dataConnection.rollback(self.table)      
-    except: 
-      tmsg = _("Error during Rollback")
-      raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, tmsg
-  ####
-  #
-  # Introspection support (works through direct access on gnue_module, 
gnue_class und gnue_property tables
-  #
-  # TODO: Move to Introspection Subdir
-  def getSchemaTypes(self):
-      return [('object',_('Business Object Class'),1)]
-  #############
-  #
-  #  get list of all business classes
-  #
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-      if not(type in ('object',None)):
-        return []
-      try:
-        listcursor = 
-      except Exception, msg:
-        print "error %s" %msg
-        GDebug.printMesg(1,_("Error creating introspection module list \n\n 
--- %s ---)") % msg)
-        return []
-      list = []
-      data = ['1']
-      while len(data):
-        data = listcursor.fetch()                         
-        for classdef in data:
-          print classdef
-          schema = 
-                                              'name':classdef['gnue_name'],
-                                              'type':'object',
-                                              'gnue_id':classdef['gnue_id']},
-                                       getChildSchema=self.__getChildSchema)
-          list.append(schema)
-      listcursor.close()
-      return list
-  #############
-  #
-  #  get schema for one single business class
-  #
-  def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None): 
-      try:
-        listcursor = self._dataConnection.request('gnue_class', [["eq", ""], 
["field", "gnue_name"], ["const", name]],
-      except Exception, msg:
-        print "error %s" %msg
-        GDebug.printMesg(1,_("Error fetching class %s \n\n --- %s ---)") % 
-        return []
-      data = listcursor.fetch()                         
-      if len(data):
-        classdef = data[0]
-        print classdef
-        schema = 
-                                            'name':classdef['gnue_name'],
-                                            'type':'object',
-                                            'gnue_id':classdef['gnue_id']},
-                                     getChildSchema=self.__getChildSchema)
-      listcursor.close()
-      return schema
-  #############
-  #
-  #  get schema for one single business class
-  #
-  def __getChildSchema(self, parent):
-      try:
-        # fetch all properties used by class "parent"
-        listcursor = self._dataConnection.request('gnue_property',  # class
-                                                  [["eq", ""], ["field", 
-                                                               ["const", 
parent.gnue_id]], # condition
-                                                  ['gnue_module'],  # sort
-      except Exception, msg:
-        print "error %s" %msg
-        GDebug.printMesg(1,_("Error while loading class properties for class 
%s \n\n --- %s ---)") % (,msg))
-        return []
-      list = []
-      data = ['1']
-      while len(data):
-        data = listcursor.fetch()                         
-        for propdef in data:
-          print propdef
-          attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, 
-                 'name': propdef['gnue_name'],
-                 'precision': propdef['gnue_scale'],   # TODO: check if scale 
and precision is the same
-                 'datatype':propdef['gnue_type'],
-                 'nativetype': 'unknown',
-                 'required': 0 }                       # TODO: classrep has no 
 'required' field
-          # TODO: make classrep types a bit more straigtforward
-          if propdef['gnue_type'] =='id' or propdef['gnue_type'] 
=='gnue_module' \
-                 or propdef['gnue_type'] =='gnue_class':
-            attrs['length'] =  32
-          else:
-            attrs['length'] =  propdef['gnue_length']
-          list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-      listcursor.close()
-      return list
-  def getFields(self, name):
-      # no introspection support for now
-      return self._fieldReferences.keys()
-supportedDataObjects = { 
-  'object': Appserver_DataObject
-#  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
-class Appserver_TriggerExtensions:
-  def __init__(self, dataConnection):
-    self._dataCon = dataConnection
-  # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name'
-  # def getSequence(self, name):
-  # !!! has to be emulated !!!
-  # return self.__singleQuery("select nextval('%s')" % name)
-  # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
-  #def sql(self, statement):
-  # !!! has to be emulated !!!
-  #  cursor = self.__connection.cursor()
-  #  try:
-  #    cursor.execute(statement)
-  #    cursor.close()
-  #  except:
-  #    cursor.close()
-  #    raise

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