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r5168 - trunk/gnue-samples/testcases/i18n

From: jan
Subject: r5168 - trunk/gnue-samples/testcases/i18n
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 13:41:45 -0600 (CST)

Author: jan
Date: 2004-02-26 13:41:45 -0600 (Thu, 26 Feb 2004)
New Revision: 5168

add a better (more widgets supported) i18n sample 

Added: trunk/gnue-samples/testcases/i18n/gauntlet_chinese.gfd
--- trunk/gnue-samples/testcases/i18n/gauntlet_chinese.gfd      2004-02-26 
19:39:28 UTC (rev 5167)
+++ trunk/gnue-samples/testcases/i18n/gauntlet_chinese.gfd      2004-02-26 
19:41:45 UTC (rev 5168)
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--  GNUe Designer (0.4.99)
+      Saved on: 2003-03-08 17:23:40  -->
+<form name="__main__">
+  <options/>
+  <datasource name="dtsDrpStyleTest" type="static">
+    <staticset fields="key,descr">
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="Y"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="是"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="N"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="不"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="M"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="可能"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+    </staticset>
+  </datasource>
+  <trigger name="dialogButtonTrigger" type="NAMED"><![CDATA[##
+    modal = 1
+    parameters = {'placeholder':''}
+    activateDialog('dialogSelector', parameters, modal)
+  <logic>
+    <block name="styleFields">
+      <field name="defaultField"/>
+      <field name="labelField"/>
+      <field name="passwordField">
+        <trigger name="Trigger1" type="POST-CHANGE"><![CDATA[
+          styleFields.labelField=styleFields.passwordField
+        ]]></trigger>
+      </field>
+      <field name="checkboxField"/>
+      <field name="dropdownField" fk_description="descr" fk_key="key"
+             fk_source="dtsDrpStyleTest"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField1" case="upper"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField2" case="lower"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField3" max_length="5"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField4" min_length="2"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField5"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField6"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField7" default="定好的"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField8"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField9" typecast="date"/>
+      <field name="UnboundField10" typecast="number"/>
+    </block>
+    <block name="dialogFields">
+      <field name="jumpToValue"/>
+      <field name="messageValue"/>
+    </block>
+  </logic>
+  <layout xmlns:Char="GNUe:Layout:Char" Char:height="16" Char:width="62"
+                                        tabbed="top">
+    <page name="Intro">
+      <label name="Label1" Char:height="1" Char:width="62" Char:x="0"
+             Char:y="0" alignment="center" text="歡迎到 Gauntlet"/>
+      <label name="Label2" Char:height="1" Char:width="58" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="1" text="這個是一種 stress test 給 gnue-forms and "/>
+      <label name="Label3" Char:height="1" Char:width="54" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="2" text="gnue-designer.  他不是一個聯繫的工具."/>
+      <label name="Label4" Char:height="1" Char:width="54" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="3" text="但然很多 coding examples 可以.."/>
+      <label name="Label12" Char:height="1" Char:width="47" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="4" text="從這個 form 如果你要找."/>
+      <label name="Label21" Char:height="1" Char:width="59" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="6"
+             text="Not every forms feature is tested in this form.  
+      <label name="Label22" Char:height="1" Char:width="56" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="7" text="should execute all the testcases relevant to the 
+      <label name="Label23" Char:height="1" Char:width="27" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="8" text="upon which they are working"/>
+    </page>
+    <page name="Widgets">
+      <label name="Label5" Char:height="1" Char:width="62" Char:x="1"
+             Char:y="0" alignment="center"
+             text="The following widgets are currently available"/>
+      <label name="Label7" Char:height="1" Char:width="7" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="2" text="一般"/>
+      <label name="Label8" Char:height="1" Char:width="8" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="3" text="密碼"/>
+      <label name="Label9" Char:height="1" Char:width="9" Char:x="24"
+             Char:y="3" text="Dropdown "/>
+      <label name="Label10" Char:height="1" Char:width="5" Char:x="24"
+             Char:y="2" text="Label"/>
+      <entry name="Entry1" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="12"
+             Char:y="2" block="styleFields" field="defaultField">
+        <options>
+          <option name="tip" value="一個很普遍的 text entry widget"/>
+        </options>
+      </entry>
+      <entry name="Entry2" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="12"
+             Char:y="3" block="styleFields" field="passwordField" 
+        <options>
+          <option name="tip" value="術入的詞會在label field上出現"/>
+        </options>
+      </entry>
+      <entry name="Entry3" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="33"
+             Char:y="2" block="styleFields" field="labelField" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="Entry4" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="45"
+             Char:y="2" block="styleFields" field="checkboxField" 
style="checkbox" label="Checkbox">
+        <options>
+          <option name="tip" value="A checkbox entry widget"/>
+        </options>
+      </entry>
+      <entry name="Entry5" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="33"
+             Char:y="3" block="styleFields" field="dropdownField" 
+        <options>
+          <option name="tip" value="A dropdown entry widget"/>
+        </options>
+      </entry>
+      <box name="Box1" Char:height="5" Char:width="60" Char:x="1" Char:y="0"
+           label="Entry Styles"/>
+      <box name="Box2" Char:height="10" Char:width="60" Char:x="1" Char:y="5"
+           label="&lt;entry&gt; features"/>
+      <entry name="Entry6" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="13"
+             Char:y="7" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField1"/>
+      <entry name="Entry7" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="13"
+             Char:y="8" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField2"/>
+      <entry name="Entry8" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="41"
+             Char:y="7" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField3"/>
+      <label name="Label13" Char:height="1" Char:width="9" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="7" text="Uppercase"/>
+      <label name="Label14" Char:height="1" Char:width="9" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="8" text="Lowercase"/>
+      <label name="Label15" Char:height="1" Char:width="15" Char:x="25"
+             Char:y="7" text="Max Length of 5"/>
+      <label name="Label17" Char:height="1" Char:width="13" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="9" text="Default Value"/>
+      <label name="Label18" Char:height="1" Char:width="13" Char:x="28"
+             Char:y="9" text="Query Default"/>
+      <entry name="Entry10" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="17"
+             Char:y="9" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField7"/>
+      <entry name="Entry11" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="42"
+             Char:y="9" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField8"/>
+      <box name="Box3" Char:height="4" Char:width="56" Char:x="2" Char:y="10"
+           label="Typecast"/>
+      <entry name="Entry12" Char:height="1" Char:width="12" Char:x="8"
+             Char:y="12" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField9"/>
+      <entry name="Entry13" Char:height="1" Char:width="10" Char:x="28"
+             Char:y="12" block="styleFields" field="UnboundField10"/>
+      <label name="Label19" Char:height="1" Char:width="4" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="12" text="Date"/>
+      <label name="Label20" Char:height="1" Char:width="6" Char:x="21"
+             Char:y="12" text="Number"/>
+    </page>
+    <page name="Dialogs">
+      <button name="aboutButton" Char:height="1" Char:width="23" Char:x="3"
+              Char:y="2" label="Display About Box">
+        <trigger name="Trigger3" type="ON-ACTION"><![CDATA[##
+           parameters = {
+            'appversion'  : '1.2.3',
+            'ui_driver'   : 'Neural',
+            'name'        : 'Gauntlet',
+            'formversion' : '-3.2.1',
+            'author'      : 'Joe Coder',
+            'description' : """
+           This about box is generated by the gauntet
+           form.  It is not created by gnue-forms.  All
+           values displayed are just place holders.
+            """
+           }
+           activateDialog('_about', parameters, 1)
+     ]]></trigger>
+      </button>
+      <button name="jumptoButton" Char:height="1" Char:width="32" Char:x="3"
+              Char:y="3" label="Display Jump To Prompt">
+        <trigger name="Trigger4" type="ON-ACTION"><![CDATA[##
+          parameters = {
+            'recordnumber': ''
+          }
+          activateDialog('_jumpto', parameters, 1)
+          if parameters.has_key('cancel'):
+            dialogFields.jumpToValue = "Cancel"
+          else:
+            dialogFields.jumpToValue = parameters['recordnumber']
+    ]]></trigger>
+      </button>
+      <button name="messageButton" Char:height="1" Char:width="22" Char:x="3"
+              Char:y="7" label="Display a mesage box">
+        <trigger name="Trigger5" type="ON-ACTION"><![CDATA[##
+          parameters = {'placeholder':''}
+          modal = 1
+          activateDialog('getMessageDialog',parameters,modal)
+          showMessage(parameters['message'])
+      </button>
+      <button name="messageButton" Char:height="1" Char:width="32" Char:x="27"
+              Char:y="7" label="Display a different message box">
+        <trigger name="Trigger5" type="ON-ACTION"><![CDATA[##
+          parameters = {'placeholder':''}
+          modal = 1
+          activateDialog('getSecondDialog',parameters,modal)
+          showMessage(parameters['message'])
+      </button>
+      <entry name="jumpToEntry" Char:height="1" Char:width="6" Char:x="51"
+             Char:y="3" block="dialogFields" field="jumpToValue"/>
+      <box name="Box4" Char:height="10" Char:width="60" Char:x="1" Char:y="0"
+           label="Calling gnue-forms built in dialogs"/>
+      <label name="Label6" Char:height="1" Char:width="51" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="5" text="A more complicated example using an embedded 
+      <label name="Label16" Char:height="1" Char:width="41" Char:x="3"
+             Char:y="6" text="to prompt for the message to be displayed"/>
+      <label name="Label24" Char:height="1" Char:width="13" Char:x="37"
+             Char:y="3" text="Value Entered"/>
+    </page>
+  </layout>
+  <dialog xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" name="getMessageDialog">
+    <trigger type="On-Startup">
+      form.setFeature('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:TOOLBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:STATUSBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger type="on-activation">
+      msgBlock.message = ""
+    </trigger>
+    <options/>
+    <logic>
+      <block name="msgBlock">
+        <field name="message"/>
+      </block>
+    </logic>
+    <layout c:height="8" c:width="31">
+      <page name="Page_1">
+        <label name="Label" text="Enter your message to display" c:width="29" 
c:x="1" c:y="1"/>
+        <entry block="msgBlock" field="message" c:width="29" c:height="4" 
c:x="1" c:y="2"/>
+        <button name="ok" c:height="1" c:width="4" c:x="14" c:y="7"
+               label="OK">
+        <trigger name="Trigger1" type="On-Action"><![CDATA[##
+          print "message %s" % msgBlock.message  
+          setParameter('message',"%s" % msgBlock.message)
+          close()
+         </button>
+      </page>
+    </layout>
+  </dialog>
+  <dialog xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" name="getSecondDialog">
+    <trigger type="On-Startup">
+      form.setFeature('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:TOOLBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:STATUSBAR:SUPPRESS',1)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger type="on-activation">
+      msgBlock2.message = ""
+    </trigger>
+    <options/>
+    <logic>
+      <block name="msgBlock2">
+        <field name="message"/>
+      </block>
+    </logic>
+    <layout c:height="8" c:width="31">
+      <page name="Page_1">
+        <label name="Label" text="Enter your second message to display" 
c:width="29" c:x="1" c:y="1"/>
+        <entry block="msgBlock2" field="message" c:width="29" c:height="4" 
c:x="1" c:y="2"/>
+        <button name="ok" c:height="1" c:width="4" c:x="14" c:y="7"
+               label="OK">
+        <trigger name="Trigger1" type="On-Action"><![CDATA[##
+          print "message %s" % msgBlock.message  
+          setParameter('message',"%s" % msgBlock.message)
+          close()
+         </button>
+      </page>
+    </layout>
+  </dialog>

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