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[gnue] r7616 - trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources

From: johannes
Subject: [gnue] r7616 - trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 02:44:58 -0500 (CDT)

Author: johannes
Date: 2005-06-18 02:44:57 -0500 (Sat, 18 Jun 2005)
New Revision: 7616

Added missing file to repository

Added: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/        2005-06-17 15:24:00 UTC 
(rev 7615)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/        2005-06-18 07:44:57 UTC 
(rev 7616)
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+# GNU Enterprise Common Library - Datasources - Read and import gsd-files
+# Copyright 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise
+# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
+# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# $Id$
+import os
+import re
+import sets
+import mx.DateTime.ISO
+from gnue.common.apps import errors
+from gnue.common.apps.GClientApp import *
+from gnue.common.datasources import GSchema, GDataSource
+from gnue.common.utils.FileUtils import openResource
+from gnue.common.apps.i18n import translate as _            # for epydoc
+# =============================================================================
+# Exceptions
+# =============================================================================
+class MissingTableError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, name):
+    msg = u_("Table '%(table)s' not found in the schema") % {'table': name}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class MissingKeyFieldError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, table, row, keySet, rowSet):
+    msg = u_("Key field(s) '%(fields)s' missing in row '%(row)s' of " \
+             "table '%(table)s'") \
+          % {'table' : table, 'row': row,
+             'fields': ", ".join (keySet.difference (rowSet))}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidFieldsError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, table, row, fields):
+    msg = u_("Table '%(table)s' has no field(s) '%(fields)s'") \
+          % {'table': table, 'fields': ", ".join (fields)}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class CircularReferenceError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self):
+    msg = u_("Tables have circular or unresolveable references")
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidNumberError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value, length, scale):
+    msg = u_("The value '%(value)s' is not a valid " \
+             "number (%(length)s.%(scale)s)") \
+          % {'value': value, 'length': length, 'scale': scale}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class OutOfRangeError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value, length, scale):
+    msg = u_("The value '%(value)s' is out of range (%(length)s.%(scale)s)") \
+          % {'value': value, 'length': length, 'scale': scale}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidBooleanError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value):
+    msg = u_("'%(value)s' is not a valid boolean value") % {'value': value}
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidDateError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value):
+    msg = u_("'%s' is not a vaild date, use 'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO)") % value
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidTimeError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value):
+    msg = u_("'%s' is not a vaild time, use 'HH[:MM[:SS[.ss]]]' (ISO)") % value
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidDateTimeError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, value):
+    msg = u_("'%s' is not a vaild date/time, use 'YYYY-MM-DD " \
+             "HH[:MM[:SS[.ss]]]' (ISO)") % value
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+class InvalidTypeError (errors.ApplicationError):
+  def __init__ (self, ftype):
+    msg = u_("'%s' is not a recognized field type") % ftype
+    errors.ApplicationError.__init__ (self, msg)
+# =============================================================================
+# Client application reading and importing GNUe Schema Definition files
+# =============================================================================
+class gsdClient (GClientApp):
+  NAME    = "readgsd"
+  COMMAND = "readgsd"
+  VERSION = "0.1.0"
+  USAGE   = "%s file [, file, ...]" % GClientApp.USAGE
+  SUMMARY = _("Import GNUe Schema Definition files into a given connection")
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Constructor
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __init__ (self, connections = None):
+    self.addCommandOption ('connection', 'c', argument='connectionname',
+        default = "gnue",
+        help = _("Use the connection <connectionname> for creating the 
+    self.addCommandOption ('output','o', argument='filename',
+        help = _("Also send the code for creating the schema to this file."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('file-only', 'f', default = False,
+        help = _("If this flag is set, only code is sent to the output file "
+                 "and the schema is not created automatically."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('mode', 'm', argument='both|schema|data',
+        default = 'both',
+        help = _("Mode of operation. If mode is 'schema', only schema "
+                 "creation is done. If mode is 'data' only data integration "
+                 "is done."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('username', 'u', argument="user",
+        help = _("Set the username for the database. If the database is to be "
+                 "created, this username will be it's owner."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('password', 'p', argument="password",
+        help = _("Set the password for the database."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('createdb', 'd', default = False,
+        help = _("If this option is set, the database will be created before "
+                 "any schema creation is done. There must be a username "
+                 "either from the given connection-configuration or from the "
+                 "command line. This user becomes the owner of the database "
+                 "and will be implicitly created."))
+    self.addCommandOption ('yes', 'y', default = False,
+        help = _("If this option is set, the program runs in batch-mode, "
+                 "which means all questions are answered with 'yes' "
+                 "automatically."))
+    GClientApp.__init__ (self, connections, 'schema', {})
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Run the import
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def run (self):
+    """
+    """
+    self.__checkOptions ()
+    self.__loadInputFiles ()
+    if self.__doSchema:
+      self.__importSchema ()
+    if self.__doData:
+      self.__importData ()
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Check the command line arguments
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __checkOptions (self):
+    if not self.ARGUMENTS:
+      raise StartupError, u_("No input file specified.")
+    try:
+      self._files = []
+      for filename in self.ARGUMENTS:
+        self._files.append (openResource (filename))
+    except IOError:
+      raise StartupError, \
+          u_("Unable to open input file: %s") % errors.getException () [2]
+    self.outfile = self.OPTIONS ['output']
+    if self.OPTIONS ['file-only'] and self.outfile is None:
+      raise StartupError, \
+          u_("Output to file only requested, but no filename specified.")
+    self.__doSchema = self.OPTIONS ['mode'].lower () in ['both', 'schema']
+    self.__doData   = self.OPTIONS ['mode'].lower () in ['both', 'data'] and \
+                          not self.OPTIONS ['file-only']
+    if not (self.__doSchema or self.__doData):
+      raise StartupError, \
+          u_("Mode of operation must be one of 'both', 'schema' or 'data'.")
+    cName = self.OPTIONS ['connection']
+    self.connection = self.connections.getConnection (cName)
+    # if a username is given on the command line we pass both username and
+    # password to the connection parameters. If the password is not set, it
+    # defaults to 'gnue'.
+    username = self.connection.parameters.get ('username', 'gnue')
+    password = self.connection.parameters.get ('password', 'gnue')
+    if self.OPTIONS ['username'] is not None:
+      username = self.OPTIONS ['username']
+    if self.OPTIONS ['password'] is not None:
+      password = self.OPTIONS ['password']
+    self.connection.parameters ['username'] = username
+    self.connection.parameters ['password'] = password
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Load input files
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __loadInputFiles (self):
+    # Build up a single object tree from all input files
+    self._schema = None
+    for stream in self._files:
+      xmltree = GSchema.loadFile (stream)
+      if self._schema is None:
+        self._schema = xmltree
+      else:
+        self._schema.merge (xmltree)
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Import the given GSD files into the connection
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __importSchema (self):
+    if self.OPTIONS ['createdb']:
+      # Create a new database
+      if self.__ask (u_("You are about to create the new database '%s'. " \
+                        "Continue") %,
+                        [u_("y"), u_("n")], "n") == u_("n"):
+        return
+      self.connection.createDatabase ()
+    # Process schema information (if requested)
+    simulation = self.OPTIONS ['file-only']
+    if not simulation:
+      if self.__ask (u_("You are about to change the database '%s'. Continue") 
+               %, [u_("y"), u_("n")], u_("n")) == u_("n"):
+        return
+    self.connections.loginToConnection (self.connection)
+    print o(u_("Updating schema ..."))
+    commands = self.connection.writeSchema (self._schema, simulation)
+    # Dump the commands to the output file (if requested)
+    if self.outfile is not None:
+      dest = open (self.outfile, 'w')
+      try:
+        for line in commands:
+          dest.write ("%s%s" % (line, os.linesep))
+      finally:
+        dest.close ()
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Import the given <data>
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __importData (self):
+    print o(u_("Updating data ..."))
+    # First fetch the current schema from the backend
+    self._current = self.connection.readSchema ()
+    tables = {}
+    pkeys  = {}
+    fields = {}
+    # Then make sure to have valid key information for all tables
+    for tdata in self._schema.findChildrenOfType ('GSTableData', False, True):
+      table = self.__findTable (tdata.tablename)
+      tables [ ()] = (table, tdata)
+      fields [ ()] = sets.Set ([ () for f in \
+                            table.findChildrenOfType ('GSField', False, True)])
+      key = tdata.findChildOfType ('GSPrimaryKey')
+      if key is None:
+        key = self.__getKeyFromTable (table)
+        if key is not None:
+          GSchema.GSPrimaryKey (tdata).assign (key, True)
+        else:
+          q = u_("The table '%s' has no key defined. Shall i insert all rows") 
+              %
+          if self.__ask (q, [u_("y"), u_("n")], u_("n")) == u_("n"):
+            tdata.getParent ()._children.remove (tdata)
+            del tables [ ()]
+      if key is not None:
+        pkeys [ ()] = sets.Set ([ () for f in \
+                            key.findChildrenOfType ('GSPKField', False, True)])
+    # Since we have all key information available now, double check the rows
+    for item in self._schema.findChildrenOfType ('GSTableData', False, True):
+      keySet = pkeys.get (item.tablename.lower ())
+      for (n, r) in enumerate (item.findChildrenOfType ('GSRow',False,True)):
+        rowfields = sets.Set ([value.field.lower () \
+                   for value in r.findChildrenOfType ('GSValue', False, True)])
+        # If the table has a key, are all keyfields available in the row
+        if keySet is not None and not keySet.issubset (rowfields):
+          raise MissingKeyFieldError, (item.tablename, n, keySet, rowfields)
+        # Are all fields in the row defined by the table
+        if not rowfields.issubset (fields [item.tablename.lower ()]):
+          raise InvalidFieldsError, \
+            (item.tablename, n, rowfields.difference (fields [item.tablename]))
+    # Order the tables so the do not violate constraints
+    references = {}
+    fishhooks  = {}
+    for (table, tdata) in tables.values ():
+      deps = references.setdefault ( (), [])
+      for fk in table.findChildrenOfType ('GSForeignKey', False, True):
+        fkname = fk.references.lower ()
+        if fkname == ():
+          fishhooks.setdefault ( (), []).append (fk)
+        # Only add a dependency for a constraint, if we plan to add data for
+        # that table too
+        elif fkname in tables:
+          deps.append (fkname)
+    needCommit = False
+    for name in self.__orderByDependency (references):
+      (table, tdata) = tables [name]
+      if not name in pkeys:
+        needCommit |= self.__importAllInserts (table, tdata)
+      else:
+        needCommit |= self.__importTable (table, tdata, fishhooks.get (name))
+    if needCommit:
+      self.connection.commit ()
+  # 
+  # Import a table having a  primary key
+  # 
+  def __importTable (self, table, tabledata, fishes):
+    fields = {}
+    for field in table.findChildrenOfType ('GSField', False, True):
+      fields [ ()] = field
+    pkf    = [ () for f in \
+                       tabledata.findChildrenOfType ('GSPKField', False, True)]
+    rows       = {}
+    rowFields  = {}
+    fishLookup = {}
+    for row in tabledata.findChildrenOfType ('GSRow', False, True):
+      record = {}
+      for value in row.findChildrenOfType ('GSValue'):
+        fname = value.field.lower ()
+        rowFields [fname] = True
+        record [fname] = self.__getValue (value, fields [fname])
+      pkey = tuple ([record [k] for k in pkf])
+      rows [pkey] = record
+      if fishes is not None:
+        for fkey in fishes:
+          ref = []
+          for fkfield in fkey.findChildrenOfType ('GSFKField'):
+            ref.append (record.get (fkfield.references.lower ()))
+          fishLookup.setdefault (, {}) [tuple (ref)] = pkey
+    if fishes is not None:
+      sortdict = {}
+      for (key, data) in rows.items ():
+        deps = sortdict.setdefault (key, [])
+        for fkey in fishes:
+          k = tuple ([data.get ( ()) for f in \
+                                        fkey.findChildrenOfType ('GSFKField')])
+          rkey = fishLookup [].get (k)
+          if rkey is not None:
+            deps.append (rkey)
+      recOrder = self.__orderByDependency (sortdict)
+    else:
+      recOrder = rows.keys ()
+    # Build a datasource and insert the data
+    source = GDataSource.DataSourceWrapper (connections = self.connections,
+                             attributes = {'name'      : "dts_%s" %,
+                                           'connection':,
+                                           'table'     :,
+                                           'primarykey': ",".join (pkf)},
+                             fields = rowFields.keys ())
+    # Build a mapping for the existing table, based on the primary key
+    existing  = {}
+    resultSet = source.createResultSet ()
+    rec = resultSet.firstRecord ()
+    while rec is not None:
+      recKey = tuple ([rec [f] for f in pkf])
+      existing [recKey] = rec
+      rec = resultSet.nextRecord ()
+    # Now run over all datarows in the previously determined order
+    print o (u_("  updating table '%s' ...") %
+    doPost = False
+    new = 0
+    upd = 0
+    for key in recOrder:
+      if key in existing:
+        rs = existing [key]
+        changed = 0
+        for (field, value) in rows [key].items ():
+          if rs.getField (field) != value:
+            rs.setField (field, value)
+            changed = 1
+        upd += changed
+      else:
+        new   += 1
+        newRec = resultSet.insertRecord ()
+        for (field, value) in rows [key].items ():
+          newRec.setField (field, value)
+    if new + upd:
+ ()
+    print o (u_("    Rows: %(ins)d inserted, %(upd)d updated, %(kept)d "
+                "unchanged.") \
+             % {'ins': new, 'upd': upd, 'kept': len (rows) - upd - new})
+    return (new + upd) > 0
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Import a table by inserting all it's rows
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __importAllInserts (self, table, tabledata):
+    fields = {}
+    for field in table.findChildrenOfType ('GSField', False, True):
+      fields [ ()] = field
+    rows      = []
+    rowFields = {}
+    for row in tabledata.findChildrenOfType ('GSRow', False, True):
+      record = {}
+      for value in row.findChildrenOfType ('GSValue'):
+        fname = value.field.lower ()
+        rowFields [fname] = True
+        record [fname] = self.__getValue (value, fields [fname])
+      rows.append (record)
+    if not rows:
+      return False
+    # Build a datasource and insert the data
+    source = GDataSource.DataSourceWrapper (connections = self.connections,
+                             attributes = {'name'      : "dts_%s" %,
+                                           'connection':,
+                                           'table'     :},
+                             fields = rowFields.keys ())
+    print o (u_("  inserting into table '%s' ...") %
+    resultSet = source.createEmptyResultSet ()
+    for record in rows:
+      new = resultSet.insertRecord ()
+      for (field, value) in record.items ():
+        new.setField (field, value)
+ ()
+    print o (u_("    Rows: %(ins)d inserted") % {'ins': len (rows)})
+    return True
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Order a given dependency tree
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __orderByDependency (self, depTree):
+    result = []
+    while depTree:
+      addition = []
+      for (key, deps) in depTree.items ():
+        # If a key has no dependencies, add it to the result
+        if not len (deps):
+          addition.append (key)
+          # and remove that key from all other dependency sequences
+          for otherDeps in depTree.values ():
+            if key in otherDeps:
+              otherDeps.remove (key)
+          # finally remove it from the dictionary
+          del depTree [key]
+      # If no key without a dependency was found, but there are still
+      # entries in the tree, they *must* have circular references
+      if not addition and depTree:
+        raise CircularReferenceError
+      result.extend (addition)
+    return result
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Get a native python value from a GSValue instance using a given GSField
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __getValue (self, value, field):
+    ftype    = field.type.lower ()
+    contents = value.getChildrenAsContent ()
+    # unquote the contents if it is quoted
+    if len (contents) > 1 and contents [0] in ["'", '"']:
+      if contents [-1] == contents [0]:
+        contents = contents [1:-1]
+    # If no value is given, just return None
+    if not len (contents):
+      return None
+    length = hasattr (field, 'length') and field.length or 0
+    scale  = hasattr (field, 'precision') and field.precision or 0 
+    # return string type fields with an optional length restriction
+    if ftype == 'string':
+      maxlen = length and length or len (contents)
+      return contents [:maxlen]
+    # Try to convert a numeric field according to length and scale
+    elif ftype == 'number':
+      value = contents.strip ()
+      if value in [u'TRUE', u'FALSE']:
+        return int (value == u'TRUE')
+      elif length or scale:
+        vmatch = re.compile ('^([+-]{0,1})(\d+)[\.]{0,1}(\d*)$').match (value)
+        if vmatch is None:
+          raise InvalidNumberError, (value, length, scale)
+        (sign, pre, frac) = vmatch.groups ()
+        if len (pre) > (length - scale) or len (frac) > scale:
+          OutOfRangeError, (value, length, scale)
+        if len (frac):
+          return float ("%s%s.%s" % (sign, pre, frac))
+        else:
+          return int ("%s%s" % (sign, pre))
+      # we don't know anything about precision
+      else:
+        if '.' in value or ',' in value:
+          return float (value)
+        else:
+          return int (value)
+    # booleans must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE', otherwise they're None
+    elif ftype == 'boolean':
+      bool = contents.upper ().strip ()
+      if bool in ['TRUE', 'FALSE']:
+        return bool == 'TRUE'
+      else:
+        raise InvalidBooleanError, bool
+    # Dates must conform with the ISO spec: YYYY-MM-DD
+    elif ftype == 'date':
+      try:
+        return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseDate (contents.strip ())
+      except ValueError:
+        raise InvalidDateError, contents.strip ()
+    # Times must conform with the ISO spec: HH:[MM:[:SS[.ss]]]
+    elif ftype == 'time':
+      try:
+        return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseTime (contents.strip ())
+      except ValueError:
+        raise InvalidTimeError, contents.strip ()
+    elif ftype == 'datetime':
+      try:
+        return mx.DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime (contents.strip ())
+      except ValueError:
+        raise InvalidDateTimeError, contents.strip ()
+    else:
+      raise InvalidTypeError, ftype
+  # 
+  # Find a given GSTable instance in the current schema
+  # 
+  def __findTable (self, name):
+    for item in self._current.findChildrenOfType ('GSTable', False, True):
+      if () == name.lower ():
+        return item
+    raise MissingTableError, (name)
+  # 
+  # Get a usable key from the given table
+  # 
+  def __getKeyFromTable (self, table):
+    # Is there a PK defined in the backend schema ?
+    pk = table.findChildOfType ('GSPrimaryKey')
+    if pk is not None:
+      return pk
+    # Maybe we could use a 'unique index' to as key, since it has the same
+    # nature as a primary key. But then we have to check wether all <rows>
+    # have all fields used by the index available. This is left for a future
+    # version though :)
+    return None
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Ask a question with a set of valid options and a default
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def __ask (self, question, options, default):
+    """
+    Ask for a question, allowing a set of answers, using a default-value if the
+    user just presses <Enter>.
+    @param question: string with the question to ask
+    @param options: sequence of allowed options, i.e. ['y', 'n']
+    @param default: string with the default option
+    @return: string with the option selected
+    """
+    if self.OPTIONS ['yes']:
+      return u_("y")
+    answer  = None
+    default = default.lower ()
+    lopts   = [opt.lower () for opt in options]
+    dopts   = []
+    for item in lopts:
+      dopts.append (item == default and item.upper () or item)
+    while True:
+      print o(question), o("[%s]:" % ",".join (dopts)),
+      answer = raw_input ().lower () or default
+      if answer in lopts:
+        break
+    return answer
+# =============================================================================
+# Main program
+# =============================================================================
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  gsdClient ().run ()

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Name: svn:keywords
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