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[gnue] r8059 - trunk/gnue-common/src/logic

From: btami
Subject: [gnue] r8059 - trunk/gnue-common/src/logic
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 14:50:26 -0500 (CDT)

Author: btami
Date: 2005-10-14 14:50:25 -0500 (Fri, 14 Oct 2005)
New Revision: 8059

removed unused file

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/     2005-10-13 20:45:10 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/     2005-10-14 19:50:25 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2000-2005 Free Software Foundation
-# FILE:
-# Provides the basic classes needed by the generic trigger system
-import sys
-import types
-import string
-import copy
-from gnue.common.definitions.GObjects import GObj
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
-from gnue.common.formatting import GTypecast
-from xml.sax import saxutils
-from gnue.common.definitions.GParserHelpers import GContent
-class TriggerError:
-  def __init__(self, msg):
-    self.msg = msg
-class TriggerAbort:
-  pass
-class TriggerStop:
-  pass
-class TriggerSuccess:
-  pass
-# Trigger instance classes
-# Classes in here are used to represent the triggers defined in
-# <trigger> tags in an xml file
-# Note: this is a partial graft of the old GFTrigger system
-#       only here so that the new namespace code could be
-#       put to use right away
-# GTrigger
-# Class used to implement triggers
-class GTrigger(GObj):
-  def __init__(self, parent=None, type=None, name=None, src=None, text=None, 
-    GObj.__init__(self, parent, 'GCTrigger')
-    self._text=''
-    self._triggerns={}
-    self._inits   = [None,self.initialize]
-    self.language=language
-    self.src = src
-    self.type = type and string.upper(type) or None
- = name
-    if text != None:
-      GContent(self, text)
-    if self.type != None:
-      self._buildObject()
-  #
-  # Must be at least a phase 2 init
-  #
-  # TODO: this function merges the local namespace
-  # TODO: not sure if this is doing the right thing
-  # TODO: with regard to NAMED triggers.  It should
-  # TODO: merge the local namespace of the object that
-  # TODO: fired the trigger.
-  def initialize(self):
-    self._root = self.findParentOfType(None)
-    self._triggerns.update( self._root._triggerns )
-    self._globalns = self._root._globalRuntimeNamespace
-    self.__call__ = self.dummyFunction
-    if self.type != "NAMED":
-      if self.getParent ():
-        self.getParent ().associateTrigger (self.type, self)
-        self._triggerns.update(self.getParent ()._localTriggerNamespace)
-    else:
-      self._root._triggerDictionary[] = self
-      self._triggerns.update(self._root._localTriggerNamespace)
-    if self.src == None:
-      self.setFunction( self.getChildrenAsContent(), self.language )
-    else:
-      self.setFunctionFrom(self._root._triggerDictionary[self.src])
-  def setFunctionFrom(self, object):
-    self.__call__=object.__call__
-  def setFunction(self, text, language):
-    self._text = text
-    self.language = language
-    if self.language != 'python':
-      GDebug.printMesg(0, "Language %s not implemented" % self.language)
-      sys.exit()
-    # TODO: this isn't working?????
-    # Verify that the trigger contains no tabs
-    if string.find('\t', self._text) >= 0:
-      GDebug.printMesg(0, "The trigger named %s contains a tab character which 
is not allowed at pos %s"
-                       % (, string.find('\t', self._text) ))
-      sys.exit()
-    # Remove whitespace from last line
-    self._text = string.rstrip(self._text)
-    # First compile the trigger:
-    #   Compilation at this stage has the useful side effect that
-    #   syntax errors are spotted during XML parsing rather than
-    #   during execution.
-    # Get the indentation level of the first line of code so
-    # we can indent our imports to the same level
-    indentLevel = 0
-    for line in string.split(string.replace(self._text,'\r',''),'\n'):
-      if len(string.strip(line)) and string.lstrip(line)[0] != '#':
-        indentLevel = len(line) - len(string.lstrip(line))
-        break
-    revisedTriggerCode = \
-      "from gnue.common.logic.GTrigger import TriggerError\n"
-    for line in string.split(string.replace(self._text,'\r',''),'\n'):
-      revisedTriggerCode = revisedTriggerCode + line[indentLevel:] + '\n'
-    revisedTriggerCode = revisedTriggerCode + \
-      "pass\n"
-    try:
-      self._code = compile(revisedTriggerCode, '<string>', 'exec')
-    except SyntaxError, err:
-      GDebug.printMesg(0, "Syntax error in line %s of trigger in element ??" \
-            % ( err.lineno ))
-      sys.exit()
-    def thisTrigger(myself, code = self._code,
-                    triggerns = self._triggerns,
-                    globalns = self._globalns):
-      # Merge the trigger's namespace with the runtime global namespace
-      # (Which can be set via the "global myvar" construct)
-      try:
-        del globalns['__builtins__']
-      except KeyError:
-        pass
-      try:
-        localns = copy.copy(triggerns)
-        localns.update(globalns)
-        # And execute our code
-        exec code in globalns, localns
-      except TriggerError:
-        raise
-      except:
-        # May be better to deal with this in GTriggerExtension
-        raise
-        import sys
-        GDebug.printMesg(0, "%s in trigger code, value: %s" % (sys.exc_type, 
-    self.__call__ = thisTrigger
-  def dummyFunction(self, myself):
-    GDebug.printMesg(0, "Trigger not implemented")
-  #
-  # getDescription
-  #
-  # Return a useful description of this object
-  # for use by designer
-  #
-  def getDescription(self):
-    if self.type == 'NAMED':
-      return
-    else:
-      return string.upper(self.type)
-  #
-  # dumpXML
-  #
-  # Dumps an XML representation of the object
-  # used in saving
-  #
-  def dumpXML(self, lookupDict, treeDump=None, gap=None,
-              textEncoding='<locale>', xmlnamespaces={}, stripPrefixes = None):
-    try:
-      escape = not int(gConfig('StoreTriggersAsCDATA'))
-    except:
-      escape = 1
-    xmlEntity = "trigger"
-    xmlString = "%s<%s" % (gap[:-2],xmlEntity)
-    indent = len(xmlString)
-    pos = indent
-    for attribute in self.__dict__.keys():
-      # variables beginning with _ are never saved out to file
-      # they are internal to the program
-      if attribute[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      val = self.__dict__[attribute]
-      if lookupDict[xmlEntity].has_key('Attributes') and \
-         lookupDict[xmlEntity]['Attributes'].has_key(attribute):
-        if val != None and \
-           (not 
lookupDict[xmlEntity]['Attributes'][attribute].has_key('Default') or \
-            (lookupDict[xmlEntity]['Attributes'][attribute]['Default']) != 
-          typecast = lookupDict[xmlEntity]['Attributes'][attribute]['Typecast']
-          if typecast == GTypecast.boolean \
-             and val == 1:
-            addl = ' %s=""' % (attribute)
-          elif typecast == GTypecast.names:
-            addl = ' %s="%s"' % \
-                (attribute, string.join(val,','))
-          else:
-            addl = ' %s="%s"' % (attribute, saxutils.escape('%s' % val))
-          if len(addl) + pos > 78:
-            xmlString += "\n" + " " * indent + addl
-            pos = indent
-          else:
-            xmlString = xmlString + addl
-            pos += len(addl)
-    if len(self._children):
-      hasContent = 0
-      for child in self._children:
-        hasContent = hasContent or isinstance(child,GContent)
-      if hasContent:
-        xmlString += ">"
-      else:
-        xmlString += ">\n"
-      if treeDump:
-        if hasContent and not escape:
-          xmlString += "<![CDATA["
-        for child in self._children:
-          xmlString += child.dumpXML(lookupDict, 1,gap+"  ",escape=escape,
-              stripPrefixes = stripPrefixes)
-        if hasContent and not escape:
-          xmlString += "]]>"
-      if hasContent:
-        xmlString += "</%s>\n" % (xmlEntity)
-      else:
-        xmlString += "%s</%s>\n" % (gap[:-2], xmlEntity)
-    else:
-      xmlString += "/>\n"
-    return xmlString
-# Trigger processor classes
-# GTriggerExtension
-# Objects that inherit this class will be
-# capable of processing triggers
-class GTriggerExtension:
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._trigger = {}
-    #self._validTriggers = validTriggers 
-  # associateTrigger
-  #
-  # Associates a trigger with the object.  More than one trigger of a specific 
-  # can be associated with an object
-  #
-  def associateTrigger(self, key, function):
-    key = string.upper(key)
-    if key in self._validTriggers.keys():
-      if not self._trigger.has_key(key):
-        self._trigger[string.upper(key)] = []
-      self._trigger[string.upper(key)].append(function)
-    else:
-      print _("Invalid trigger "),key
-  # processTrigger
-  #
-  # "fires" the trigger
-  def processTrigger(self, key):
-    key = string.upper(key)
-    if key in self._validTriggers.keys():
-      if self._trigger.has_key(key):
-        for function in self._trigger[key]:
-          function(self)
-      else:
-        GDebug.printMesg(7, "No triggers to fire")
-    else:
-      print self._type,": ",_("Invalid trigger "),key
-# Return any XML elements associated with
-# GDataSources.  Bases is a dictionary of tags
-# whose values are update dictionaries.
-# For example: bases={'datasource': {'BaseClass':myDataSource}}
-# sets xmlElements['datasource']['BaseClass'] = myDataSource
-def getXMLelements(updates={}):
-  xmlElements = {
-      'trigger': {
-         'BaseClass': GTrigger,
-         'Importable': 1,
-         'Attributes': {
-            'name': {
-               'Unique': 1,
-               'Typecast': },
-            'type': {
-               'Typecast': GTypecast.uppername },
-            'src': {
-               'References': '',
-               'Typecast': },
-            'language': {
-               'Typecast':,
-               'ValueSet': {
-                   'python': {} },
-               'Default': 'python' } },
-         'MixedContent': 1,
-         'KeepWhitespace': 1,
-         'UsableBySiblings': 1,
-         'ParentTags': None },
-      }
-  for alteration in updates.keys():
-    xmlElements[alteration].update(updates[alteration])
-  return xmlElements

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/     2005-10-13 20:45:10 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/logic/     2005-10-14 19:50:25 UTC (rev 
@@ -195,9 +195,10 @@
     used in saving.
-      escape = not int(gConfig('StoreTriggersAsCDATA'))
+      escape = not gConfig('StoreTriggersAsCDATA')
-      escape = 1
+      escape = False
     xmlEntity = "trigger"
     xmlString = "%s<%s" % (gap[:-2],xmlEntity)

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