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Re: [devel] Criawips Reference Documentation

From: Sven Herzberg
Subject: Re: [devel] Criawips Reference Documentation
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 00:36:58 +0200

Hi Martin, List,

Am Di, den 07.09.2004 schrieb address@hidden um 23:39:
>         Thanks very much for putting this online. It looks like you're
> reinventing the AbiWord layout structure in C.
> Seems like a slow way to get the same effect.
> Sorry for the negative comments but geeze we've solved all these problems.
> At least consider C++. If you're going to write an object-oriented
> application why start out with C?

  There have been several reasons that made me prefer C over C++, let me
explain some of these:

1. C++ != C + OO
  If I want to write a cool C++ application (read application/ library/
somefoo) I usually want to do this in pure C++ code, not with C code (I
don't think I have to explain why C syntax should not be used in C++ as
there are a lot 'cooler' things in C++ for this; e.g. templates, stl
containers, new and delete operators, ...).

2. GTK+ == C
  Going the abi-way of doing things I would come up with a mixture of
C++ (core classes) and C code (GTK+ implementation of GUI classes for

3. Criawips for GNOME (and the rest is somebody cares...)
  I want to write Criawips primarily for GNOME, if someone is interested
in a Win32/OS X/Foo OS port, he can start to work on it, but Criawips
will be basically a GNOME application, using GNOME technology (GConf,
GnomeVFS, etc.) and those libraries are all written in C.

4. GTKmm is not for me
  GTKmm has not been able to catch up[ with latest technology in the
past (I know that Murray and Co are doing a great work with their
release cycle synchronization since 2.6), but GTKmm is a wrapper around
the C libraries. If there's a cool new GNOME library, I would need to
wait for a wrapper or write my own to be able to use it with a C++-ish

5. I don't like C++
  And now for the less logical but more emotional reasons, I just don't
like C++ (I do C++ development at work, but my C++ code looks very C-ish
as I like the C-style syntax more than the C++ one).

  Finally, thank you that you care about the project, but the main
problem with GObject and OO in C is the overhead in the source files. I
currently have a small template engine for C/GObject files that I'd like
to extend and maybe integrate in some IDE to be able to develop my
C/GObject code even faster.

Kind Regards,
Sven Herzberg <address@hidden>    · GNOME Deutschland <>
Jabber <address@hidden>         · ICQ <177176642>
GnuPG <F020 B158 2696 6D6A 2870 F53C 0565 FD6B B1C3 0AFE>
Criawips <>· GnomeGCJ <>

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