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[Demexp-dev] Questions on user interface, planned changes & advice reque

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] Questions on user interface, planned changes & advice request
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 21:46:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)


I'm starting to learn isa's code. She has done a great (and tedious)
work. I would have prefer a little more comments ;) but I'm starting to
understand overall code structure.

In the steps of documenting the code, I plan to remove certain windows I
judge unecessary. I would like to have your advice on them:

 - after a connection, under anonymous or with a login, remove the
   dialog box "Vous êtes maintenant connecté". Rationale: the line
   status Connecté/Déconnecté in the main window plays the same role;

 - after a deconnection (Connexion->Se déconnecter), remove the dialog
   box "Vous êtes déconnecté". Rationale: the line status
   Connecté/Déconnecté in the main window plays the same role;

 - remove Délégation->*questions entries (and corresponding dialog
   boxes) about questions. Rationale: in the current system, we can only
   delegate keywords;

When I say "remove", I mean keep it in a non-compiled area. We might
re-introduce it later if necessary.

I would also like to add a text zone in the bottom of the main window to
display information on what is doing the client (connection, server
response, ...). A bit like what is available in Mozilla.

In the current CVS tree, you can test the client with login "isa" and
password "passw1". Could you please test it and give me your advice on
above suggestions?


PS for Félix or Isa: is Isa reading this mailing list? If I could ask
her some questions, it might help me. And I have a few comments if she
plan to write more OCaml code. :)
 David Mentré <address@hidden>
 GnuPG key fingerprint: A7CD 7357 3EC4 1163 745B  7FD3 FB3E AD7C 2A18 BE9E

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