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Re: [Demexp-dev] New test Drupal site open.

From: Felix HENRY
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] New test Drupal site open.
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 18:17:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20060830)

Hi there,

My go for the remarks on the Drupal client.

I agree with David's suggestion about login
information creation.

When browsing through the questions, some display
the winning answer, and some don't. Example here:
only question 181 has a winning answer, not the others;
This "bug" (feature?) only happens when browsing through
the list of questions: the winning anwser is always
displayed when one *opens* the question,

> 6. The Tags link[3] is quite nice. It is probably not scalable for a
>    very big amount of tags but for a reasonable amount it is quite
>    usable. However (there is always a however ;-), it would nice to be
>    able to change the metric criterion, for example through a drop down
>    menu: number of questions with that tag (current setting if I'm
>    correct), most recently edited questions with that tag, most voted
>    questions with that tag, etc.
I agree with this comment.

> 7. At mid term, it would be necessary to have a way to navigate into a
>    tag hirarchy, but we already discussed of that;
I think that 6. and 7. can be combined. If there is a hierarchy
of tags display, it would be nice if one could still see the
importance (according to chosen criterion) of that tag. For instance,
at the start of the tag page, the list of top-level tags are displayed
with the same feature as now. When a tag is "opened" (to see the
sub-tags) the sub-tags also show their "importance" level.
Don't know if it's easily feasible though.

> 9. Forums attached to each question is very nice. However, after
>    various discussions on demexp-fr and elsewhere, it appears that it
>    would be sometimes necessary to a Forum without a question attached
>    to it, and maybe create a new question and attach it to one or more
>    Forum discussions. I have no clear idea on how to make all of that
>    work, but my main idea is that the democratic debate (on or more
>    Forum) would sometimes (but not always) trigger one or more vote
>    (demexp question), without a bijection between the two;

I like this idea. It's quite tricky because, for instance, one
could allow each demexp user to create a forum (in a specific
place). Usually, I would say the risk is to have independent forums
where people of different opinion would never meet. However,
and that's the nice thing with demexp, eventually they
will "meet" at the "voting booth"=the question. So actually
people with different opinion have *an interest* in
confronting before voting. This could generate a
"self-organization" effect. Maybe I'm optimistic though.

> 13. In the link listing all Forums[5], it would be nice to sort the
>     list by different criteria (forum name, number of subjects, number
>     of messages, most recent forum, etc.). In fact, all the
>     capabilities you already have for Drupal's forums;
I think the forums associated with questions will soon need
to be treated separatly from the "general" forums. This is
evident when one submits a topic to a forum ("Poster un nouveau sujet."
button on the forum page): the drop-down list includes all the
forums associated with all questions so that's a 260 items
drop-down list already!
I think that at least in a first stage, the users can access
the question forums by browsing the questions themselves,
and then accessing the forum associated with one specific
question. And therefore the general forums should not display
the question forums.

-Regarding logging:

I think it's *very nice* to be able to browse the questions
without having to log in. This is invaluable when it comes
to convincing new users to make the effort to register
and so on. They can see the current state of the votes
without too much effort.

It's also great that you can log in during browsing (for
instance, you're browsing in disconnected mode, and suddenly
you want to add a comment to a forum: the logging form
is just there and it brings you back where you were once
you're logged in). Excellent feature!

I would also separate the information about the project
from the web client because this may be confusing : for
instance, at the moment, the first page
has links to the demexp project wikis, which are really of no interest
for the average voter. I would support David's suggestion of
having a first page only displaying some "hot topics" about demexp
voting: current most voted questions, current hot tread
in the forums.

Hope these remarks help. All in all, it's great and it really
makes you ask for more! Keep up the good work Augustin!!


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