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[Demexp-dev] Re: About your demexp account creation

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] Re: About your demexp account creation
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:25:19 +0200

Hi Fabrice and Augustin,

Le 12/10/06, Fabrice Papirnyk<address@hidden> a écrit :
Désolé, j'ai pas bien lu la procédure.

I am myself learning the new procedure made by Augustin: your are on
the leading edge! ;-)

Peux-tu alors me créer mon nouveau compte ?
Je n'ai plus accès au formulaire de compte, j'espère que je serai pas
banni trop longtemps ?!

Anyway, this is only a *test* server! ;-)

(Le message : In order to protect your privacy and for security reasons,
we must verify that you are the bona-fide account holder. This operation
is done manually and it may take a couple of days. An activation key will
be sent to the email you used to request the demexp account.)

Tant qu'à faire je peux reprendre le compte :
[ demexp account parameters removed ]

Augustin, to summarize the current situation as far as undesrtood it:
Fabrice created a Drupal account and them asked for a demexp account,
but he used "demo" as name of his demexp account. I don't want that
and I sent him an email accordingly.

Now the question: how can he or me change his demexp account name in Drupal?

Best wishes,

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