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Re: [Denemo-devel] Transpose

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Transpose
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 10:02:32 -0500

I am not sure if I replied to this or not. I just recently found this in
my inbox. It has been in there for a while and I had not noticed.  

On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 21:15 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
> When we were getting transpose working we wanted to apply the script to
> every note is a selection. This raised the issue that we were executing
> the entire script - including defining all the functions - for every
> note, instead of just defining them once & then executing them for each
> note.
> I seem to remember thinking about this & proposing something.
> The same issue has just arisen with tweaking the positions of things
> that LilyPond may fail to place optimally, for a different reason.
> We want scripts to be able to place their definitions somewhere where
> they can be instantiated without being obliged to execute the script
> itself. (For example, if I load a .denemo file that has a D.C al fine
> marking in it, and I want to tweak its position I want to have the tweak
> script available even though I haven't inserted the D.C al fine myself -
> i.e. I have not run the script that the tweak relates to.)
> My question is: did I already implement something? Or did I just think
> about it, or did I write up a proposal of how to do it? If so, where?

You did write up something to apply code to a selection with transpose.
I did not look at the code. I have it here on my hard drive. I removed
it from git because I was not sure how to remove it from a release.
Transpose was not ready because it was possibly destructive. It did not
apply to chords (simultaneous notes in GList). It also was not able to
transpose by some (can't remember which) interval. Should I resubmit it
to git? 

> I remember that my thoughts involved using a naming convention (e.g.
> RehearsalMark::tweak) for global variables that belong to a given
> command. But did I write this up somewhere? 

I believe you mentioned this in an email. Yes.

> This business of losing
> things is not so unusual. I came across an example when I created the
> Double Barline script the other day. I called it Double Bar, and to my
> surprize it promptly drew itself - there already is a double bar command
> in Denemo - a built-in. It is just that it has gotten lost over time. It
> is only slightly broken in fact. (We don't really want it - it is far
> less flexible than a scripted one - you can't tweak it etc).

I feel like that when I am very busy. Studies have shown that the same
brain chemicals are produced when a person either eats an apple or
visualizes chewing and tasting an apple. So when a person focuses on
eating an apple the mind can't tell the difference. Yes you did eat the
apple but it what reality shell.  

> Obviously, my memory being what it is, this highlights the need for a
> link from our website to design notes, proposals etc. I have been trying
> to use the list of features on the About page as a log of the new
> features as they are added, to avoid a desperate scrabble for release
> notes at release time, but this would best be something else I guess.

We can integrate this into the wiki like you mentioned in another


> Richard
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