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[Denemo-devel] Script to add transpose Clarinet staff to existing music

From: Joe Wilkinson
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Script to add transpose Clarinet staff to existing music
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2019 12:09:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.9.0

Hi Richard,

I am trying to write a scheme script to automatically add a Clarinet line below and to copy existing music. It needs to be transposed on print up a tone. I'd rather it did not ask me each time for the interval with a dialogue box.

I have played with the script from the Transpose on Print button, but it either gives me a dialogue box, if I leave it alone, or nothing happens if I change

(set! Transpose::Interval  (d-GetNoteNamesFromUser 2 Transpose::Interval (_ "--> Transpose to -->") )))


(set! Transpose::Interval  ( "c  d" 2 Transpose::Interval (_ "--> Transpose to -->") )))

I assume there is more to it than a simple kludge. Apart from anything else when the interval is changed the system remembers. Is Transpose::Interval some sort of Global variable?

Best wishes


;;;;; TransposeStaffPrint
(define-once Transpose::Interval "c ees")
(let ((tag "TransposeStaffPrint")(lily #f) (text #f)(params TransposeStaffPrint::params))
    (if (and params  (not (equal? params "edit")))
        (set!  Transpose::Interval params)
        (set! Transpose::Interval  (d-GetNoteNamesFromUser 2 Transpose::Interval (_ "--> Transpose to -->") )))
    (if Transpose::Interval
            (set! lily (string-append  "\\transpose " Transpose::Interval " "))             (set! text (string-append  (_ "Print transposed:  ") Transpose::Interval " "))
            (d-DirectivePut-staff-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_GRAPHIC)
            (d-DirectivePut-staff-display  tag text)
            (d-DirectivePut-staff-postfix  tag lily)
            (d-SetSaved #f))
        (d-WarningDialog (_ "Cancelled"))))

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