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[Dfey-nw-discuss] Intro

From: Paul Sutton
Subject: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Intro
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 17:00:45 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090105)


this is my first post, I am Paul, aged 33, currently in the south west,
I found this group after chatting on #teenlinux (added a link from my
website a while back, so i still auto connect to their irc channel as I
asked if this was ok with them first.

Looking at the groups home page, I agree what is being said, I arrange
meetings for the devon and cornwall Linux user group, but do so with
young people and people with young children in mind, on the basis a
venue such as a pub is fine if you are old enough to go in, but excludes
 people under 18,  not to mention the cost of any non alcoholic drinks
are pretty expensive,

Right now one of the Members of the devon & cornwall lug is finishing
off a Linux based LTSP network for a community centre in Exeter, so that
will be used by young people up there,

Just wondered if there was a similar group to your self in the South
West you knew about,  if there is perhaps I or the dclug can help
promote it to any young people, rather than just promoting the lug.  As
that a group for young people run by young people may generate a
different level of interest ?

A quick question.

Is it ok to link to your site from my own site at www.zleap,net ?

I may do a link to the North west ubuntu wiki,  from the south west wiki
page so if you can get a link from there, also (it looks like it could
do with someone to add some content),  the wiki teams may actually link
together, as right now there are no links between the teams

Anyway I will probably ask you for some advice etc, on how to get OSS
into schools and how best the lug and other groups can enguage with
young people, I am currently volunteering as a mentor in a primary
school, so not directly involved but I am trying to push OSS as an

thanks for your time


Paul Sutton
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