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[Dfey-nw-discuss] Re: Manchester Free Software Talk: green h consulting,

From: Lucy
Subject: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Re: Manchester Free Software Talk: green h consulting, a social venture using free software
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 12:56:40 +0100

As someone else pointed out, I forgot to mention the date!

It's this Tuesday, 21st April (tomorrow). Please respond if you can
come along. It promises to be a really interesting talk and I know
that Des is keen to hear questions and comments from people. He may
also be interested in having people help out or work for him part-time
or during the summer..

2009/4/19 Lucy <address@hidden>:
> This month's talk be given by Des Gregory from greenh [1], a
> with-permission-free-franchise-social-enterprise based in Manchester.
> They sell low cost, reconditioned computers to communities, schools
> and low businesses (to name but a few), earning money for Ubuntu
> 'techies' in the process.
> [1] http://www.greenh.co.uk/
> Location
> ----------
> There has been a delay in confirming location this month, hence the
> late email! We are hoping to have the talk at the BBC building on
> Oxford Road again [2]. However, we are still awaiting confirmation of
> this and if we don't get the room we will meet in Bar Odder just
> across the road instead [3].
> Assuming we meet at the BBC, access is via the front entrance
> (including disabled access), where someone will meet you in the
> reception area.
> As usual the talk will start at 7pm and it will end around 8.30pm.
> There will be refreshments available from a vending machine.
> Due to fire regulations we need to know in advance the names of people
> who will be there (it's a secure building), so if you think you will
> be coming please reply to this email or email
> <address@hidden>.
> [2] New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester, M60 1SJ
> [3] http://www.oddbar.co.uk/odder/index
> General information about Manchester Free Software meetings can be
> found on our web site [3].
> [3] http://manchester.fsuk.org/blog/meetings/

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