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[directory-discuss] Worth tracking Codes of Conduct on FSD?

From: David Seaward
Subject: [directory-discuss] Worth tracking Codes of Conduct on FSD?
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:17:16 +0200

Hi all,

I was wondering if it would be worth adding an (optional) "Code of
Conduct" field to FSD entries. This would track explicit or inherited
codes of conduct on software projects. Although not directly related
to software freedom, my understanding is that these human codes
actively encourage participation in free software projects, and
actively prevent exclusion on a social level. Also, I don't think any
other software directory tracks them :)

I think that there are three categories and one non-example here:

* explicit codes of conduct on a web page or in a software repo,
unique to the project; for example, Django:

* codes of conduct inherited from the host of the software forge; for
example, projects hosted on Launchpad must abide by the Ubuntu Code of
Conduct 2.0, but I'm fuzzy on the details on when this

* projects using "boilerplate" codes of conduct -- I found one recently
but can't find it again right now :P

* a non-category is things named "code of conduct" that aren't, like
Atom / GitHub's terms of service, which doesn't cover how you treat
other collaborators -

I don't know what format would be appropriate (just a hyperlink, or link
and text, etc). I would hope that such inclusion would inspire wider
adoption of codes of conduct, greater participation in free software,
and more contributors to the FSD (e.g. the Ada Initiative seems to
focus on codes of conduct for events, but might give a shout out to
encourage participants to fill out the field on FSD).

Hope this is useful,

P.S. I won't be able to contribute more to the discussion since I've
recently returned to varsity to study further and am super busy.
Apologies in advance, but I hope the idea is interesting :)

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