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[Discuss-gnuradio] Building usrp module and firmware

From: Berndt Josef Wulf
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Building usrp module and firmware
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 02:43:24 +1030
User-agent: KMail/1.7


The autoconf system of the usrp module fails to find usb.h declaration file 
which is part of the libusb package. Although set correctly in the Makefiles 
created by autoconf, it fails to use the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment 
variables at compile and link time. 

I also noted that usrp depends on packages libusb, boehm-gc and sdcc. The 
building process progressed successfully after the installation of all 
missing dependencies and manual manipulation of the relevant Makefiles. No 
warnings were given to notify the user about missing packages.

Would it be possible force autoconf to use the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment 
during the configuration process or even better extend the configure option 
arguments to include --with-extra-includes and --with-extra-libs, and also 
check for all dependencies, such as sdcc and boehm-gc raising an appropriate 
warning message informing users of the missing dependency?

Are "usrp" and "gr-usrp" the only modules required for the USRP Board specific 
part of GnuRadio? If so, I'm ready and set to go. All I need now is a 
board... :)

Well, not quite! I still will have to find and read all relevant 

cheerio Berndt

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