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[Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Scanner

From: mjam01
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Scanner
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 12:19:56 +0100

hey guys,

here's a tvrx scanner for you to play with:

SCANDOO! v1 - http://www.scandoo.com

if you find the scanner isn't stopping on signals you can reduce the
scan rate by altering the first self.timer currently set to 10ms.

works 'out of the box' with a usrp and tvrx. you must alter the
which_side variable accordingly.

current features:

- auto squelch
- am/nbfm/wfm mode switching (wfm is a little iffy tho)
- unlimited memory bank scanning

if anyone has any code that recognises the difference between AM and
NBFM signals and/or an empty carrier then let me know and i'll add it!

coming soon features:

- signal activated audio record function
- improved memory navigation
- frequency blocking
- auto channel store
- auto priority frequency checking


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