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[Discuss-gnuradio] Secret documentation and Python 2.4

From: Jan Schiefer
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Secret documentation and Python 2.4
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 23:52:27 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6

Hi there,

I must be missing something - recently I saw a note here on this list
about --enable-doxygen to autogenerate documentation for gnuradio-core.
Very nice! It would be very useful if this kind of information was on the
wiki. Is there some other "official" information repository? I wonder what
other nuggets of information I am missing out on.

On a vaguely related note, I came across an installation guide for
which claims that as of gnuradio 2.8, python 2.4 was required. Is that the

Seems like this thing is a little underdocumented. How can we help?


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