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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Cross Reference Tool

From: Martin Braun
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Cross Reference Tool
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 11:26:48 -0700
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Thanks, Richard, I didn't know this tool existed.

That said, there are excellent tools for searching the source tree available through the command line. My favourite is 'ack' (which is packaged by all big distros, and has a plugin for at least vim), but 'git grep' is also very useful and sometimes works better than ack when you just want to search indexed items.

Also, many editors have a feature that allows you to open files by fuzzy file name search (For Vim, Ctrl-P does this, although I know this was copied from some other editor).

During coding, there are several tools you can use to auto-complete modules. Again, this depends on your editor, but out-of-the box, I think Eclipse comes with most of these.


On 26.03.2015 09:55, Richard Bell wrote:
Hi everyone,

This is a very nice online tool that was recently introduced to me. I
think it's valuable enough that it should be shared to everyone.


It lets you search all gnuradio directories (of the metager hosted
online server setup) for keywords, and will then show you any files that
contain the keyword in their name OR contain the keyword in their
contents. It will also show you a snippet of the file contents around
the keyword you searched for.

If you've ever need to search for source, this is the tool for you.

I don't know how often that servers gnuradio install is updated, or any
details on their situation at all.


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