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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation with pybombs: still missing python t

From: Francisco Albani
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation with pybombs: still missing python thrift libraries
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:04:29 -0300

I'm building gnuradio right now on Arch Linux to get thrift working. Arch official repositories only have a 'thrift' package [1], which was not sufficient.

I had also to install from the Arch User Repository, 'python2-thrift' [2].

Now I get the correct cmake output.

I have never used Fedora, but maybe you can "translate" my solution.

[1] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/thrift/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-thrift/

2015-10-15 18:15 GMT-03:00 Chris Kuethe <address@hidden>:
Clearly I'm not running on a redhat-like system so I don't have any more specific advice to offer. What I can suggest is spend some time figuring out why the python library isn't able to build. Have a look at the config log, grep for errors and google for them, figure out if you're missing some some developer libraries/headers, maybe check stackoverflow to see how other people have solved it...

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Achilleas Anastasopoulos <address@hidden> wrote:
here is the output of configure for thrift:

Building C++ Library ......... : yes
Building C (GLib) Library .... : yes
Building Java Library ........ : no
Building C# Library .......... : no
Building Python Library ...... : no
Building Ruby Library ........ : no
Building Haxe Library ........ : no
Building Haskell Library ..... : no
Building Perl Library ........ : no
Building PHP Library ......... : no
Building Erlang Library ...... : no
Building Go Library .......... : no
Building D Library ........... : no
Building NodeJS Library ...... : no
Building Lua Library ......... : no

C++ Library:
   Build TZlibTransport ...... : yes
   Build TNonblockingServer .. : yes
   Build TQTcpServer (Qt4) .... : yes
   Build TQTcpServer (Qt5) .... : no

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Chris Kuethe <address@hidden> wrote:
I saw something like this at grcon and it was due to an incorrectly set PYTHONPATH. Thrift installs into .../site-packages, gnuradio installs into .../dist-packages - make sure both of those are in there.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Achilleas Anastasopoulos <address@hidden> wrote:
I attempted a complete installation of gnuradio with pybombs (on fedora22).
It went smoothly, but the result is that  although "thrift" executable was generated, as well as g_lib  and g++ and some other libraries,
no python related libraries were generated.
As a result, I get the following (no "*thrift" in the installed components)

gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components
python-support;testing-support;volk;sphinx;gnuradio-runtime;gr-ctrlport;gr-blocks;gnuradio-companion;gr-fec;gr-fft;gr-filter;gr-analog;gr-digital;gr-dtv;gr-atsc;gr-audio;* alsa;* oss;gr-comedi;gr-channels;gr-noaa;gr-pager;gr-qtgui;gr-trellis;gr-uhd;gr-utils;gr-video-sdl;gr-vocoder;gr-fcd;gr-wavelet;gr-wxgui;gr-zeromq


I also attempted a separate installation of gnuradio (not with pybombs)
after manually installing thrift with the same configure options as in pybombs ie,

./configure --prefix=/usr/local  \
    --with-c_glib --with-cpp --with-libevent --with-python \
    --without-csharp --without-d --without-erlang --without-go \
    --without-haskell --without-java --without-lua --without-nodejs \
    --without-perl --without-php --without-ruby --without-zlib \
    --disable-tests --disable-tutorial $config_opt \
    CC=$cc CXX=$cxx PY_PREFIX=$prefix CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG"

after installation I get

address@hidden ~]$ pkg-config --libs thrift thrift-nb thrift_c_glib thrift-z thrift-qt
-L/usr/local/lib -lthriftnb -lthrift_c_glib -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lthriftz -lthriftqt -lthrift

and while  cmaking gnuradio I get :

-- Configuring gr-ctrlport support...
--   Dependency Boost_FOUND = 1
--   Dependency SWIG_FOUND = TRUE
--   Enabling gr-ctrlport support.
--   Override with -DENABLE_GR_CTRLPORT=ON/OFF
-- Loading build date Thu, 15 Oct 2015 20:03:55 into constants...
-- Loading version v3.7.8-172-g77083c5d into constants...
-- Python checking for Thrift
-- Python checking for Thrift - not found

Any help is appreciated.

I also attach here the config.log that i get from configuring thrift manually


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