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[Discuss-gnuradio] Vectorized Python code overflows faster

From: Zach Morris
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Vectorized Python code overflows faster
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:18:31 -0700

I would like to know what interferer signals occur at different frequencies in a spectrum. Since I want to get an idea of the average behaviour of the spectrum, I'd like to look at the spectrum over a long period of time (hours?).

This would be too much data to store, so I wrote a custom Python block. It updates power statistics (specifically the Rayleigh parameter) while the magnitude squared of an FFT is above a threshold, then writes the power statistics and the time to a file whenever an element drops below the threshold. This cuts down the data from tens of MBs to kBs per second.

I got an overflow (the 0 character) about once every five seconds on the Ettus 310, running at 4MHz and 1024 vector length. To speed up the Python code, I vectorized the threshold and update code with numpy, and switched from write_line to numpy's save_txt to save the power statistics. In testing the new code chewed through 10,000 x 1024 vectors about thirty times faster than the old code. Feeling very clever, I ran the new code on the E310, only for it to overflow twice a second.

In short, my "optimized" Python code seems to run faster in testing, but overflow more in practice. Could you help me understand why this happens? I copied some of the relevant code below, and attached a picture of my flowgraph. I'm new to Python and GNU Radio, so I apologize if my code is particularly un-Pythonic, or if I've missed something basic. :)

### Old code ###
    def write_line(self, bin, theta, n):
        now = time.time()

        line = str(now) + ',' + str(bin) + ',' + str(theta) + ',' + str(n) + '\n'


    def general_work(self, input_items, output_items):
        in0 = input_items[0]

        for i in range(len(in0[0])):
            if in0[0, i] > self.threshold:
                self.last_state[0, i] += 1
                self.theta[0, i] += in0[0, i] ** 2
            elif (self.last_state[0, i] > 0).any():
                self.write_line(i, self.theta[0, i], self.last_state[0, i])
                self.last_state[0, i] = 0
                self.theta[0, i] = 0

        will_consume = len(input_items)

        self.consume(0, will_consume)
        return len(input_items)

### Vectorized code ###
    def write_line(self, bin, theta, count):
        np.savetxt(self.f, self.fft_num, fmt='%i', newline='\n')
        np.savetxt(self.f, np.transpose([bin, theta, count]), fmt='%i %0.7f %i', newline='\n')

        # Update fft_num
        self.fft_num += 1
    def general_work(self, input_items, output_items):
        curr_input = input_items[0][0]

        # Find entries that just dropped below the threshold
        just_dropped = (self.last_state > 0) & (curr_input <= self.threshold)

        # Update theta and count
        self.last_state[0, curr_input > self.threshold] += 1
        self.theta[0, curr_input > self.threshold] += curr_input[curr_input > self.threshold]**2

        # Write bins, thetas and counts for this vector
        self.write_line(np.nonzero(just_dropped[0])[0], self.theta[just_dropped], self.last_state[just_dropped])

        # Reset last_state and theta if below threshold
        self.last_state[0, curr_input <= self.threshold] = 0
        self.theta[0, curr_input <= self.threshold] = 0

        will_consume = len(input_items)
        self.consume(0, will_consume)
        return len(input_items)

Attachment: flowgraph_question.PNG
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