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Re: Conda / Build OOT module on Windows 11

From: Ryan Volz
Subject: Re: Conda / Build OOT module on Windows 11
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 17:52:34 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Ralf,

I'm not sure how often this procedure has been tested recently (I know I haven't tried it probably since I last updated the wiki instructions!), so congratulations on making it work! If there are specific suggestions you would have for updating the wiki based on this experience, proposed edits would be wonderful and welcome!

On 1/6/25 6:00 AM, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
Dear all,

please ignore my email from yesterday concerning this topic. In the
meantime I have manged to compile my module.

What I have done:

- uninstalled radioconda, then I've basically followed the instructions
in the wiki (https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=CondaInstall)
- installed conda (miniforge3) NOT radioconda
- conda update conda (don't know if this is necessary)
- conda update --all
- conda create -n gnuradio
- conda activate gnuradio
- conda install gnuradio gnuradio-build-deps
- created my module and added a block
- cmake configuration did not work and complained about missing BOOST
- conda install libboost-devel

I *think* this should only be necessary if your module itself requires Boost, and hopefully not because `gnuradio-build-deps` is missing this as a dependency. Do you think that's the case?

- cmake config worked
- cmake build and install worked and my module is shown in GNU Radio


What I have noticed:

When I use radioconda, everything concerning GNU Radio is installed
(nice) but when I create the environment "gnuradio" there as is
receommended and install gnuradio and gnuradio-build-deps in the
"gnuradio" environment, I've got GNU Radio installed twice (not so nice,
because there are two entries of GNU Radio Companion when I hit the
Windows button and I don't know which is which). When I then create my
module in "gnuradio" it is visible only when I start one of the "GNU
Radio Companions" but not the other.

Multiple entries used to identify what environment they corresponded to, so if they don't now then that would understandably be very confusing!

That's one reason why I have not used radioconda. A solution to this
problem might be to install gnuradio-build-deps in the "base"
environment of  radioconda (not verified), even if this is not recommended.

Correct, that should work. The only reason it is not recommended is for the sake of keeping the radioconda installation as something that can be fully managed by conda and upgraded, etc. (which once you've manually built and installed a module into it, you really shouldn't change the packages anymore unless you deeply understand how that will interact with the manually built module). If that's not a concern, then `gnuradio-build-deps` can absolutely be installed into the base radioconda environment.

A second reason why I have not used radioconda is that I have not been
able to update conda. With Radioconda, conda asks me to update but when
I issue "conda update conda" the version remains the same and conda is
not updated.

I'm not sure why in particular it's not letting you upgrade, other than that it must be that another dependency would also need to be upgraded and it can't do that for whatever reason. Maybe `mamba update conda` would work or tell you more? Maybe `conda update --all` would be acceptable?

I personally would prefer radioconda because it is more complete and you
normally don't have to install additional packages.

All of the packages that come in the radioconda installation should all be installable in your `gnuradio` or whatever environment. Most are in the conda-forge channel, but some (particularly some OOT modules) are in my "ryanvolz" channel. You could install the `radioconda` meta-package to get everything that would come in the installer:

mamba install -c conda-forge -c ryanvolz --only-deps radioconda

NB: that will require the version of the `gnuradio` package for which I last built all of the OOT modules, which is *not* the latest version since I've been a bit delinquent. Don't do this if you've been using the latest `gnuradio` package (probably) and don't want to rebuild your own OOT module.


So, if someone knows why radioconda is not updated when I issue "conda
update conda" but conda is and what I need to do to have radioconda
updated please let me know.

Kind regards,


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