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Moving CVS to new location

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Moving CVS to new location
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:23:51 -0700

I'm going to move the GNUstep CVS Source repository to a new location on
Friday Mar 2. This new location should have better access and lots of
amenities similar to what you would find on the famous sourceforge site!
CVS should be down for less than 24 hours during this time. The new
location is:

http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnustep/       - sourceforge clone
cvs.gnustep.org                                 - cvs location

For those who get sources from CVS, attached is a script which will
allow you to convert your source directories to the new CVS location
without having to checkout the source again. Usage is:

cvsrepo.sh [OPTION]... ROOT MODULE

For instance, to update the core module, cd to the core directory and

cvsrepo.sh :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.gnustep.org:/cvsroot/gnustep core

You will probably be required to login again the next time you do an

cvs -z3 login

When prompted for a password, simply press return (Unless you have your
own write access account).

Here is a list of other MODULE names that you may need to know if you
have these modules already checked out

Name            MODULE
------          ------
core            core
gsantlr         dev-libs/gsantlr
gscrypt         dev-libs/gscrypt
gsgd            dev-libs/gsgd
gsweb           dev-libs/gsweb
db              dev-libs/db
extensions      dev-libs/extensions
guile           dev-libs/guile
java            dev-libs/java
Gorm            dev-apps/Gorm
test            dev-apps/test
examples        usr-apps/examples

P.S. This will not affect the dgs, libFoundation or gnustep-www
repositories. They are not currently moving anywhere.

Adam Fedor, Digital Optics            | Fudd's law of opposition: Push
fedor@doc.com  http://www.doc.com     | something hard enough, and it 
fedor@gnu.org  http://www.gnustep.org | will fall over.

Attachment: cvsrepo.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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