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Interface screenshot

From: Ian Mondragon
Subject: Interface screenshot
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 01:10:09 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

all -

whew.  alot of work.  more work than needed.  going back to older versions.
kicking myself for every futzing with Sapphire.  sigh.

i went back to the aewm rewrite and actually got somewhere...well, somewhere
*else*...with my "pure GNUstep window manager"..AND HERE'S PROOF, dammit:

                        ***a screenshot****

that's what everyone wants for a window manager, right? <grin>

anyways... right now it's *literally* a rewrite of aewm only, with minor tweaks
to utilize the foundation libs, with a whole bunch more tweaking to do.  i plan
on making this thing "pure GNUstep" by utilizing the xgps schtuff to handle
everything...but i needed to have a semi-working version in order to do that.

code clean up time.  as you can tell from the screenshot, it's using **WAY** too
much memory at the moment...currently, approximately as much as WindowMaker
with the dock running.

anyways...enjoy, if you can.  once i get this version slightly more stable, i
will be releasing it as a "pre-pre-pre-alpha" for all of you to brutalize.

- ian


Ian Mondragon  - < copal @ dragonhelix . org >

< h t t p : // d r a g o n h e l i x . o r g >

<<< F r e e B S D -- O b j e c t i v e - C >>>

Attachment: interface_screenshot.jpg
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