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Bundles under CygWin

From: Tom Koelman
Subject: Bundles under CygWin
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 15:53:27 +0200


I succesfully compiled the gnustep base library from the daily snapshot  
core.20010605.tar and objc runtime 1.0.1 for the latest cygwin under Windows  
2000. I used gcc version 2.95 to do this. Now I am trying to get the tests in  
base\Testing working. Almost everything works ok, but I can't get nsbundle  
to succeed.

Running nsbundle.exe produces the following:

Looking for main bundle...
  Main bundle directory is 
Looking for LoadMe bundle...
  Found LoadMe in:  

Initializing LoadMe bundle...
  Found example file:  

Retreiving principal class...
Error (objc-load): Cannot load objects (no CTOR list)
* ERROR: Can't find principal class

Does anyone have any ideas?


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