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Re: gnustep compared to other toolkits

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: gnustep compared to other toolkits
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:57:12 +0100 (BST)

> > As far as I understand, what everyone here really wants is theme support.
> Themes wouldn't include the window-attached menues, right ?

Depends - but yes, I suppose a theme could display menus in a different

Attaching menus to windows is a bit of a problem, because in openstep an
application has a menu, rather than a window having a menu (like in MS
Windows).  I suppose a theme wanting to have menus attached to windows
would have to enlarge all decorated windows by some space (that would
appear in the API to user apps as if it was space used by the window
manager) and draw the same main application menu in that space on all
decorated windows.  The main problem in implementing such an option is
making sure we are not breaking the API, but to me it looks like possible.

Implementing such an option is not necessarily strictly bound to themes.

I personally like the popup nextstep-like menu a lot, and would encourage
people to use it - the nextstep-like menu must certainly remain the
default - but there is nothing religious in it - I am for allowing options
to enable users choose what they like.

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