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Re: [gnu.gnustep.discuss] Gorm controls addition - help?

From: Shellac
Subject: Re: [gnu.gnustep.discuss] Gorm controls addition - help?
Date: 12 Jul 2001 16:10:11 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.090003 (Oort Gnus v0.03) XEmacs/21.4 (Academic Rigor)

Hash: SHA1


Thanks for the help.

Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> writes:

> Shellac wrote:
> >  
> > In what must be counted as a shock, it worked (i.e. I could see it and
> > drag it to a window). However when added to a window it seems (?) to
> > lose its content (ie the table), eg dragging an outlet to the content
> > of the ScrollView shows ((nil)) in the connection.
> > 
> We all hope that GNUstep gives people pleasant suprises like that :-)

:-) When I looked around at the Gorm code I got an idea how it
worked (and why what I did worked). If even a dodgy perl hacker can
understand it it must be ready for world domination ;-)

> > So simple question - is this easy to fix? And what else do I need to
> > do to make this a useful addition? IIRC MacOS X IB lets you rename the
> Yes and NO. Basically it works, although things aren't displayed
> correctly. What really needs to be done is to put in some code to not
> allow someone to connect to an object that Gorm doesn't know about, but
> also add code to handle connecting to objects in a container (P.S. I
> think the ScrollView really goes in the container pallette, and the
> table would be something you add to the scrollview - sort of the way the
> code for NSBox works now) - but of course that's more work.

Definitely in the wrong place :-) Just easier in the 10 mins I had to
put it there. I agree that would be the more elegant way to do this -
IB in MacOSX adds 'composite' things for convienience.

BTW initially I didn't put the tableview in a scrollview, but it was
never visible (same code, just added tableview to the window). Did I
do something wrong?

One ignorant question - er, how does NSBox work like that currently? I
can't get anything in an NSBox, only on top or below, never in the
content (as far as I can tell).

I've only looked into programming gnustep briefly, but it seems more
promising than kde and gnome. Keep up the good work.


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