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Re: problem with gnustep-base+gcc 3.0

From: Martin Brecher
Subject: Re: problem with gnustep-base+gcc 3.0
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:03:23 +0200

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:23:37 +0200, Francesco Abbate wrote:

>I've compiled & installed GCC 3.0 and it works fine with all C, C++ and
>Obj C programs.
>Then I've downloaded

I have not tried GNUstep with GCC 3.0 yet, but afaik GCC 3.0 does not
need the gnustep objc lib because the nesseccary patches were commited
to the gcc repository. Maybe you should try without the gnustep objc
lib. Also refer to http://www.made-it.com/GNUstep/Build/develop.html
when it comes to installing GNUstep with GCC 3.0.

- Martin Brecher

>and all the external library needed.
>Everything compiles & installs without a glitch but when I've tried to
>compile this test program :
>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
>main (void)
>  NSLog (@"Executing");
>  return 0;
>I've got this warning :
>/usr/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol
>`__objc_class_name_NSConstantString' are not defined
>Then, if I try to execute the program I get "segmentation fault".
>Someone can help me ?
>Francesco Abbate
>E-mail: france.abbate@tiscalinet.it | france77@users.sourceforge.net
>Discuss-gnustep mailing list

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