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XML plists ?

From: Marko Mikulicic
Subject: XML plists ?
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 19:01:30 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801


I tried to set XML property lists.
After I wrote "defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSMacOSXCompatiblePropertyLists"
(twice to get an XML .GNUstepDefaults)
my .GNUstepDefaults looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
<plist version="0.9">

but any gnustep program complains:

.:1: error: Extra content at the end of the document


File NSDictionary.m: 431. In [GSMutableDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file '/home/marko/GNUstep/.GNUstepDefaults' does not contain
a dictionary

How can NSUserDefaults know to read .GNUstepDefaults in XML format
if that information is stored in that file itself ?
Does it (or should) read the "<?xml" stuff ?
Maybe I must recompile all with some flag?

I would like to use external XML editors to play with property lists
but I really like the objc interface with dictionaries so I don't want
to use libxml directly.
 Is XML support in gnustep still unfinished ?
Can I instruct NSDictionary to read and write a plist in XML while
preserving defaults as normal plists ?


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