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a question using performv

From: ]d
Subject: a question using performv
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 00:18:43 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020211

this is my problem source

#import <objc/Object.h>
@interface Myclass:Object {
id target;
int iden;
- setTarget:(id) nt;
- setIden:(int) ni;
- printnumber:(int)i1 :(int)i2;

@implementation Myclass
- setTarget:(id) nt {
        target = nt;
        return self;
- setIden:(int) ni {
        iden = ni;
        return self;
- printnumber:(int)i1 :(int)i2 {
        printf("%d - %d %d\n",iden, i1, i2);
        if (target) {
                printf("call target\n");
                [target performv:_cmd :__builtin_apply_args()];
                printf("end target\n");
        printf("%d - %d %d\n",iden, i1, i2);
        return self;


int main() {
        id x1;
        id x2;
        x1 = [[[Myclass alloc] init]setIden:1];
        x2 = [[[Myclass alloc] init]setIden:2];
        [x1 setTarget:x2];
        [x1 printnumber:123 :456];

gcc -O2 test.m -lobjc -lpthread
will produce

1 - 123 456
call target
2 - 123 456
2 - 123 456
end target
1 - 123 456

and gcc test.m -lobjc -lpthread
will produce

1 - 123 456
call target
2 - 123 456
2 - 123 456
end target
2 - 123 456


I am wondering if the usage of
               target performv:_cmd :__builtin_apply_args()];

is correct.


make it sound safe to use it the way I did.
I just wish there's a simple way to do this. a portable way.

best regards,

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