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Re: Look & feel, future plans

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Look & feel, future plans
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 19:02:40 +0200 (CEST)

> From: Peter Cooper <comrade-gs@obverse.com.au>
> [...]
> * your last menu can be still available (eg you selected Edit-Style-
>   Bold, it's only a single menu click to get Italic subsequently) rather
>   than full menu exploration that's required with most other approaches
>   - this is oddly a little like the MS dynamic tool bar stuff ;)

That's the other way arround: it's  an oddity that MS dynamic tool bar
stuff be so much like NeXT way. Wonder why...

> [...]
> The OpenStep way of building UIs using IB means that bolting on themes is
> not going to be super-easy, especially when UI objects change size or shape,
> left-right orientation etc. Doing both kinds of menu is going to be a
> headache unless someone has a really brilliant idea!

No  need for such  a brillant  idea.  When  I worked  on a  big screen
driver for  the MacSE (1986),  we had an  option to have the  menu bar
pop-up  vertically like  on NeXT  upon command-click  anywhere  on the
So if you can go from:  | (Apple) File Edit Stuff Yadada  |
                   to:  | (Apple) > |
                        | File    > |
                        | Edit    > |
                        | Stuff   > |
                        | Yadada  > |
                        +-----------+          +-------------+
please tell me what's so hard to go back from: | Info      > |
                                               | File      > |
                                               | Edit      > |
                                               | View      > |
                                               | Tools     > |
                                               | Windows   > |
                                               | Services  > |
                                               | Hide      h |
                                               | Quit      q |
to: | Info  File  Edit  View  Tools  Windows  Services  Hide#h  Quit#q | ?

__Pascal_Bourguignon__              (o_ Software patents are endangering
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