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Re: Unicode and GNUstep (more info)

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Unicode and GNUstep (more info)
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 18:28:34 +0200 (CEST)

> From: Andreas Hoeschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de>
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 16:26:26 +0200
> Hi all,
> the following program
>         NSString *string = @"Höschler";
>         NSLog(@"char: %d", [string characterAtIndex:1]);
> returns
>       FBTest[12919] char: 246
> on MacOSX which is correct and
>       FBTest[3076] char: 154
> which is incorrect. How can this be fixed?
> Regards,
>     Andreas

What encoding do you use on GNUstep?

What encoding does MacOSX use?

In ISO-8859-1, "ö" is 246. So it seems that MacOSX uses ISO-8859-1.

In Macintosh encoding,  "ö" is 154. So it seems  that you're using the
Macintosh encoding.  Are you working with GNUstep on MacOSX ?  Perhaps
the default  encoding on MacOSX  is still the Macintosh  encoding, but
MacOSX works  with ISO-8859-1 (actually, OPENSTEP  works entirely with
UNICODE which is a superset of ISO-8859-1).

Or perhaps you mixed the results, and you have 246 on GNUstep which is
what I'd  expect, ISO-8859-1 on GNUstep,  and you have  154 on MacOSX,
which I would not be surprised to see, neither.

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