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Re: gdb under MinGW ?

From: Andreas Bohne
Subject: Re: gdb under MinGW ?
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 09:26:29 +0200

Hi Enrico,

Am Montag den, 13. Mai 2002, um 20:25, schrieb Enrico Sersale:

Please, can you tell us what kind of windows you have used, if you are
cross-compiling under Cygwin or you are using only MinGW, from where have
you get libtiff (this is very important), and if your libtiff requires
libjpeg.6.dll, too?

I'm using Windows 2000, and was following closely the instructions in Readme.MinGW (e.g. used MSYS with MinGW). The libtiff (3.5.7) was taken from sourceforge (GnuWin32), and it does require libjpeg.dll.

Some days ago, I posted this mail:

Now I've installed all the libraries and started gdomap and gdnc (gpbs
doesn't want because of many "autorelease called without pool for
object". But, for the moment, this is not a problem). The problem is
that, when I launch an application, I get only an "abnormal
program termination" (from something of windows, I suppose).
No core, no other messages...

After this I've received a message from Yen-Ju Chen, saying that he was in
the same situation, too.
Both of us are using a fresh windows 2000 installation and we have
followed exactly README.MinGW.

Hmm, after some initial problems related to drive/path specifics (which have been fixed a few days ago) I could start some of the example apps (gui tests, Calculator.app, CurrencyConverter). Not that they were really usable, but I did'nt expect that. However, I do not have a clean system, as WO4.5 and Cygwin are installed... Other than that, I see no differences to your setup.

About my initial question - what objc-capable gdb shall I use under MinGW? Did you try to trace your problem in gdb?



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