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Re: Apple: OpenGL to speed up Quartz Engine in next MacOS-X release

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Apple: OpenGL to speed up Quartz Engine in next MacOS-X release
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 13:44:13 +0100 (BST)

> When we discussed it at FOSDEM earlier this year, I think we agreed that 
> OpenGL
> would probably be a good/best way to go.  Adams recent work on simplifying and
> separating out backend components is a major step in the direction of making
> an OpenGL based backend easier to implement.
> I don't know if he (or anyone else) actually plans to work on writing one, but
> general policy is that such contributions would be strongly welcomed.

[just repeating here what other said] I think the main problem with an
OpenGL backend is text rendering.

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