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Re: changing Info-gnustep.plist?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: changing Info-gnustep.plist?
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 11:17:55 +0100 (BST)

> Hi folks,
> I want to add
>   EOAdaptorClassName = PostgreSQLAdaptor;
> to my Info-gnustep.plist which is like this:
> {
>   NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";
>   NSExecutable = "ix86/netbsdelf1.5.1/gnu-gnu-gnu/PostgreSQLEOAdaptor";
>   NSMainNibFile = "";
>   NSPrincipalClass = "PostgreSQLEOAdaptor";
> }
> I don't like to change the file each time I make the framework.
> Ho do I tell the makefiles to do it automatically?

Hi David,

I'm not sure I completely understood your question :-) anyway I looked at
the code, and I think what you mean is that with applications or bundles,
you could add a 'MyApplicationInfo.plist' file, and that gets merged into
the Info-gnustep.plist file for that application, while with frameworks
you couldn't.

Well I think that's a bug :-) and I changed frameworks to support
MyFrameworkInfo.plist.  Please take the new version from CVS - you should
now be able to add a file


(where xxx is the name of your framework) to your sources, and put into
this file

  EOAdaptorClassName = PostgreSQLAdaptor;

then when you make the framework, the dictionary contained in this file
will automatically be added to the Info-gnustep.plist dictionary.

Let me know if this solves your problem - I hope so.

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