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GNUstep Weekly Editorial 20-05-2002

From: dennis
Subject: GNUstep Weekly Editorial 20-05-2002
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 07:05:43 +0200


   Welcome to the GNUstep Community website. As with every community
   there are some shared interests and some common goals. The interest
   part is [1]GNUstep, the best Object Oriented development environment
   around, and the goal is world domination.
   For world domination we need software and documentation and that is
   what this site is about.
                             Editorial 20 May 2002
Mailing lists

   StepTalk is now an official part of GNUstep and can be found in the
   GNUstep cvs tree. Thank you Stefan Urbanek.
Code changes

   Richard Frith-Macdonald kept himself busy this week with applying a
   path to gnustep-base to keep logging compatible with Mac OS X and
   getting the release and allocate memory functions consistent.
   Fred Kiefer worked on NSColor and NSFont in gnustep-gui. In NSColor
   the initSystemColors() and systemColorWithName() he replaced the
   implementation of system colours with named colours from a stored
   colour list. And he added conversion cache for named colours. This
   allows easy configuration of system colours while keeping the same
   In NSFont he moved the caching of fonts from [initWithName:matrix:] to
   [fontWithName:matrix:] so that unneeded fonts are no longer created.
   In [labelFontSize], [smallSystemFontSize] and [systemFontSize] the
   values from defaults are now read, if available. In getNSFont() he
   removed hard coded 12, which will be relaced by default for
   Adam Fedor concentrated on gnustep-back where he made XGFontManager
   use NSBundle to find font_cacher, and worked on GSGState. He also
   implemented a patch by Alexender Malmber that implements gsColorToCMYK
   and gsColorToHSB.
Official GNUstep releases

   This section mentions the this week released versions of the official
   GNUstep parts.
     * none
   Happy Stepping,
   Dennis Leeuw


   1. http://www.gnustep.org/

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