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gnustep-base-1.3.3 on OS X

From: cehoyos
Subject: gnustep-base-1.3.3 on OS X
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:40:27 +0200 (CEST)

I just compiled the gnustep-base-1.3.3 library on an Apple OSX 10.1.5
(darwin5.5) using gnustep-make-1.3.3. The tests seem to work: I patched
diningPhilosophers to see an output and with the shared library, I could
even run nsarray, which simply produces a segfault with the static lib.
All other tests (except nsbundle) produce at least some output.
Although nothing is wrong in GNUstep-HOWTO, here are a few additional
things I had to do:
In $GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT/Makefiles/target.make in the "MacOSX 10.1.1,
darwin5.1" Section, I had to delete all INTERNAL_OBJCFLAGS. They make
compiling impossible. For the dynamic library, I set
SHARED_CFLAGS += -fPIC -DPIC -fno-common
(in the #GNU compiler subsection)
        cc -undefined warning $(SHARED_LD_PREFLAGS) \
                -dynamiclib $(ARCH_FLAGS) -dynamic      \
                $(DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION)          \
                $(DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION)                \
                -install_name $(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME)     \
                -o $@                                   \
                $(DYLIB_DEF_FRAMEWORKS)                 \
                -lobjc $^ $(SHARED_LD_POSTFLAGS); \
        (cd $(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR); rm -f $(LIBRARY_FILE); \

(the only change is cc -undefined warning)

For the shared gnustep-base library, I also needed a shared gnu objectiv C
runtime library. Gcc 3.1 doesn't compile one, even if you say
configure --enable-shared, but it's possible to compile one using

For the static gnustep-base library, I had to run ranlib after installing
the library to use it.

Don't forget to delete #include <ctype.h> from NSDecimal.m: That would
import Apples native Header files and makes compiling impossible.

Another thing: Can anybody tell me how to compile gnustep-base on Cygwin
(without mingw32)? I can't even install a gcc2.95.3-5 Objective-C
Carl Eugen

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