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From: Mirko Viviani
Subject: ANN: GDL2
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 23:10:57 -0000


I'm pleased to announce the release of the long awaited GDL2 !

GDL2 is an acronym for GNUstep Database Library, an Objective-C implementation
of the EOF framework >= v2.0 from NeXT Software, Inc.

It consists of EOAccess and EOControl layer, EOModeler library to support
eogenerator and a PostgreSQL adaptor. Actually there is no support for the
interface part and the model inheritance.

I would like to thank all the people that helped me doing this project,
in particular Manuel Guesdon, David Wetzel, Gerald Siebke and David Ayers
that have done an excellent job improving and testing the framework.

You can grab GDL2 from gnustep cvs, dir gnustep/dev-libs/gdl2

Enjoy !


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