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Re: GNUstep's release readiness

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: GNUstep's release readiness
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 09:11:45 -0800 (PST)


--- Stefan Urbanek <urbanek@host.sk> wrote:
> On 2002-12-26 16:21:32 +0100 Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sunday, December 22, 2002, at 07:49 PM, Gregory Casamento wrote:
> > 
> >> All,
> >> 
> >> By and large 2002 has been a good year for GNUstep.   It seems to me that
> we
> >> are ready for a major release of all of the available applications.
> >> 
> >> As such we have a couple of questions which should be considered:
> >> 1) Which applications should be considered?
> >> 2) What major issues should be addressed before the release?
> > 
> > I think of Gorm and ProjectCenter as part of the developer bundle (along
> with the core libraries).
> > At the least, GNUMail, Gworkspace, and Preferences could be in a user
> bundle.
> > 
> I would recommend also to include the Affiche app - mainly because as a
> service provider example (Make Note). Services are grat thing in gnustep, i
> have not seen something similar in other environments. Services are one of
> those little things that makes the life with computer easier.
> Terminal.app is also usable.


> Moreover, I think, that we have to agree on more consistent application
> names. I would suggest not to use any prefix (G, GS, GNU) and name it just
> like Preferences.app, Workplace.app (not to conflict with Workpsace.app) or
> PostMan.app (not to conflict with Apple/NeXT Mail.app)...

I agree with this wholeheartedly.   I believe that we should stop naming apps
GS*.app or even G*.app where G or GS symbolises GNUstep.   I do believe that
GNUMail.app is acceptable, however.   
> In a text application should be referenced simply either by 'Preferences.app'
> or 'Preferences application'.
> > The problem is how do you release them as a bundle? Do you provide one
> top-level make file? How about an installer application (now I've opened a
> can of worms...).
> I think that for apps we do not need installer application, just .tar.gz of
> .app bundled binaries. I am not sure about the other kinds of
> packages...(frameworks, libraries,...)

I think if we had a set of RPMs which would install the applications into the
appropriate areas, that would be nice.   The problem becomes that many people
may not have GNUstep installed in the "default" place (/usr/GNUstep, I

It would be nice to have an installer which could help users intelligently make
the decisions as to where to install applications/libraries/frameworks.

> Stefan


Gregory John Casamento
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