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Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 13:15:15 +0000 (GMT)

> > <window instanceOf="MyWindow" title="Hello" width="200" height="4000">
> >    <!-- some views here -->
> > </window>
> Since I'm always only complaining I won't stop over a small, absolutely 
> unimportant detail ;-)
> To make it more XML-like I would name the attribute "instance-of" 
> instead of "instanceOf". This is the usual naming practice in XML based 
> languages.

I've chosen that syntax because there is a lot of 'overlapping' between
tag attributes and object attributes, and between tag names and class
names, and in ObjC the 'thisIsAClass' (rather than 'this-is-a-class')
syntax/convention is used, and I sort of felt it would be simpler to keep
the same convention.

But there is no reason why I couldn't recognize the other syntax as well
when reading (and optionally, if a specific flag is set, generate XML with
the other syntax when writing).

I could have the lower-level XML reader convert automatically any '-' in
meaning 'uppercase the next character' (and viceversa when writing if the
alternative syntax is selected).

For example, upon reading

<text-view instance-of="MyTextView" width="300" height="300" />

the lower-level Renaissance XML stuff would automatically convert it to 

<textView instanceOf="MyTextView" width="300" height="300" />

before handling it over to the upper layer, so that there would be no
difference between these two ways of writing attributes and class names.

Maybe it's better to allow a single convention, rather than two ?  I could
even switch completely to the instance-of convention if given enough
convincing reasons to do so :-)

I'm unclear.

Opionions, comments, ... ?

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