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Re: Renaissance tutorial

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance tutorial
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:03:59 +0000 (GMT)

> But if so... your method name suggests using a notification (supplied 
> the array becomes the notification object or something similar) and 
> having the default method sent automatically to the owner if it 
> implements this method. That might even be better as then the object 
> graph management could be centralized in an object that listens for 
> these notifications. (Opening a third possible approach. :) )
> ... The more I think about it, the more I like the notification idea, 
> but I'll sleep over it. Anyone else an opinion or for a suggestion for 
> method or possibly notification name?
Thanks for the suggestion - I liked your idea, and I've implemented this

A notification is sent when Renaissance's NSBundle additions is done
loading a gsmarkup; the notification contains the array of top-level
objects.  If NSOwner (the file owner) implements -bundleDidLoadGSMarkup:,
that method is automatically called too, with the notification as argument
(so you don't have to register the NSOwner).

I documented this stuff clearly in the Renaissance manual.

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