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Re: Text drawing bug - gaps after 16th character in scaled view

From: Pete French
Subject: Re: Text drawing bug - gaps after 16th character in scaled view
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 15:42:01 +0100

[big snip]

O.K., that all makes sense.

> The text system currently draws glyphs in batches of (up to) 16. The
> small gaps add up, so when the text system sets the position for the
> 17th glyph explicitly (using the layout information), there'll be a big
> gap.

No easy way to fix that then - aside from maybe laying out all the glyphs
explicity (i.e. make them batches of size 1) which should fix it ?

> The solution is to not use screen fonts when drawing scaled or rotated

I just tried this:

[attrDict setObject:[[NSFont systemFontOfSize:10.0] printerFont]

which should force the use of a printer font surely ? But I got the same
result, and printing out the addresses it looks like sending
'printerFont' to that object returns the same object.

so now I am puzzled...


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