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GNUstep on Darwin!

From: John Davidorff Pell
Subject: GNUstep on Darwin!
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 14:07:28 -0800

I've successfully build and installed all the way up through -base on darwin using gnu-gnu-gnu. I used GNUstep's libobjc, and pyobjc's libffi. In gui I am getting this error:

Making all for service GSspell...
 Creating GSspell.service/....
 Compiling file GSspell.m ...
 Linking service GSspell ...
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources...
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
dyld: ././shared_obj/make_services Undefined symbols:
make[2]: *** [GSspell.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist] Error 1
make[1]: *** [GSspell.all.service.variables] Error 2
make: *** [internal-all] Error 2

Any suggestions?


P.S. I plan on making a guide for building on darwin, if I can get the rest to compile happily. I am using apple's gcc, and most of the modifications have simply been to add "-lobjc" to a whole bunch of make files. :-) For base I had to add "-framework CoreFoundation" to resolve "___CFConstant...comething...blah..."

". . . Through the cold and darkness
we will look back on this day
and fall into oblivion.
Through a brilliance beyond twilight
we will rise again,
ready to face the dangers that befall on us . . ."

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