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Re: GSWeb crash upon startup [Was: Re: Eeeagh! I'm at my wits end.]

From: David Ayers
Subject: Re: GSWeb crash upon startup [Was: Re: Eeeagh! I'm at my wits end.]
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 11:08:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Simon Stapleton wrote:

On 28 Apr 2004, at 09:12, Simon Stapleton wrote:

What this seems to imply (to me, at least) is that for some reason base thinks I want GC. GC may not be installed, but I think it thinks it is, for some bizarre reason. To further bear this out, here's some of the output of gsweb/Testing/DynamicElements when run and accessed through a browser (I hadn't bothered to actually access this before, as it started OK), which is dumping log messages that look distinctly GC-ish

session 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool START
session 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool START
session 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool after garbage
session 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool after garbagesession 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool STOP
session 0x10183c10 _releaseAutoreleasePool STOP
Response Sent
Response Sent
threadWillExit START
threadWillExit START
GC** GarbageCollector collectGarbages START
GC** GarbageCollector collectGarbages STOP
threadWillExit STOP
threadWillExit STOP

Scratch that.  it's spurious logging from gsweb.

Exactly, this has nothing to do wrt GC of libobjc and the -base GC macros.

But it would sill be very interesting to know why tweaking with code guarded by those macros makes a difference. Do you have a "namespace" issue with the macros or other macros that control the GC macros?


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