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A question of window layers

From: Matthew Weinstein
Subject: A question of window layers
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 12:00:26 -0400

One very odd behavior related to GNUstep (compared to cocoa) is the way window layers are handled. In my app windows often call panels (through the NSApp beginSheet: etc. etc.). In GS this opens a panel free floating above the window which traps all clicks to rear windows, which is as it ought to be.

Here's the odd behavior. If that panel has a color well on it and I click on the color well, it opens the color picker BEHIND the current window. Of course all clicks to it are trapped by the top window and so I can't select it or pick a a color or even close it (I have to close the panel and then close the color picker).

I've browsed the gui code and it seems like color picker is opened on top of everything else, but at least in window maker, quartz window manager, and kde, it opens behind the panel that calls it.

Do we need more window layers? Is there some outlet that might be added so we can say to the color picker: open in front of this panel? Wondering about the way to do this GS (without changing all of my beginSheet...s.


PS Solved the disappearing menu item problems and it is related in some ways. When panel's close they don't always seem to re-make the calling window key. I have to select the window explicitly and then it rebuilds the menu. Maybe it's just that I'm used to cocoa.
Matthew Weinstein
Associate Professor of Science Education
Kent State University

404D White Hall
Kent, OH 44242



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