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Re: Ann: NiftyTitleBar

From: Matt Rice
Subject: Re: Ann: NiftyTitleBar
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 17:02:23 -0700 (PDT)

--- Chad Hardin <cehardin@mac.com> wrote:
> I just realized there may problems with this.  You
> don't want to allow 
> a Move operation to occur, that would result in
> strange results 
> for the user.
> So, I recommend you change DragButton.m's 
> draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal: method to not
> return 
> NSDragOperationAll.
> A good place to start may be to return
> NSDragOperationCopy | 
> NSDragOperationLink.
> On HFS you could get away with also returning
> NSDragOperationDelete.  I 
> wouldn't try that on any other filesystem though.
> I checked my OS X box and indeed this was the
> behavior it had; it did 
> not allow a NSDragOperationMove.
> Chad
 Thanks I did this,

 on the other email, I don't think that adding those
 standardWindowButtons would be good because it would
 be api which would only work under certain
 as for implementing the bundle in GNUstep itself 
 i'm pretty much impartial, but Alex M has
 about adding things just because they are neat, and
 thinks its best to wait and explore all options 
 like we could do other stuff something like make
 setRepresentedFilename a file:// wrapper around a
 -setRepresentedURL extension so browsers could use
 too or something, but why stop there
 anyways i dont see a reason to or not to, but i'm
 the maintainer of said code so it's not my choice.
 but considering it doesn't add any api i think it's
 good example of stuff that belongs in bundles 

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