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Re: nsuserdefaults help please

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: nsuserdefaults help please
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 05:05:27 +0100

On 15 Jul 2004, at 03:09, reuss wrote:

my problem is that I cant edit the values stored in volatiledomain.
please look at the following:

id masik = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
id dd = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dd setObject: @"valami" forKey: @"valami"];
[masik setVolatileDomain: dd forName: @"Kukucs"];
[[[masik volatileDomainForName: @"Kukucs"] mutableCopy] setObject: @"semmi" forKey: @"valami"];
NSLog (@"%@", [masik volatileDomainForName: @"Kukucs"]);

the result following is printed:
{valami = valami}
i thougth it should be:
{valami = semmi}
am i in mistake?

You are setting 'semmi' into a copy of the domain, not into the actual defaults system. If you want the changed value to be in the defaults, you must use setVolatileDomain:forName:
to put the new dictionary into the defaults system again.

Because you are using a volatile domain, any such change, will only effect the running process. For persistent changes effecting all instances of the application, the setObject:forKey: method is

To make changes usable by all applications, you use setPersistentDomain:forName: with

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