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Re: patch for compatible syntax with C++

From: Andrew Pinski
Subject: Re: patch for compatible syntax with C++
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:32:20 -0700

On Jul 27, 2004, at 12:18 AM, Cristobal Castillo wrote:

I am working with Objectice-C and C++, and also working with non-gnu compilers.

Now if you read the license of libobjc, you cannot use libobjc legally with a non-GCC
unless your software becomes GPL.

I have a problem with libobjc library, since it does not have compatible syntax with C++. Problems found and solved are listed below, a patch is proposed to consider merging it
with current source code base.

1) Class is a keyword in C++, but it is used as variable name in several places. I think these
changes have been done already for Objective-C++ GCC frontend.

- Method_t class_get_instance_method(Class class, SEL aSel);
+ Method_t class_get_instance_method(Class CLASS, SEL aSel);

This has not changed already on the mainline but is done differently
on the objc-improvements-branch so this will change.

2) Void pointer arithmetic does not work with some compilers (it has been substituted by
char pointer arithmetic). Example:

hash_string (cache_ptr cache, const void *key)
while (*(char *) key) {
  ret^= *(char *) key++ << ctr;
  ctr = (ctr + 1) % sizeof (void *);

Since this is a GCC extension this is not going to change at least not yet, sorry.
Old saying, if it is not broken don't fix it.

I am also not a fan of extraneous casts like:
+    return ! strcmp ((char*)k1, (char*)k2);
which in my mind a bug in C++ (and was one in K&R C).

Andrew Pinski
libobjc maintainer

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